S1E1: Did President Dwight D Eisenhower Meet with Nordic Aliens?
The UnOfficial Official Story team looks at the alleged 1954 meeting between President Dwight D Eisenhower and Nordic-looking aliens. Did Eisenhower really meet with aliens, or is there a different explanation for what REALLY happened? Listen to the...
The UnOfficial Official Story team looks at the alleged 1954 meeting between President Dwight D Eisenhower and Nordic-looking aliens. Did Eisenhower really meet with aliens, or is there a different explanation for what REALLY happened? Listen to the episode to find out the "official" story.
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Aliens? Bigfoot? Slender Man? QAnon? The grassy knoll? The Zodiac Killer? We've heard all the stories and hypotheses trying to explain the unexplainable before, but what's really going on? Join comedian Dwayne Perkins, writer Koji Steven Sakai, actress Jennifer Field, and their guests as they sift through the facts... and the fiction... to come up with the “official” story.
Our team of researchers do most of its “research” on the Internet, so take our “facts” for what they are. With that in mind, much of our information we got for this episode was gleaned from these two articles:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2004/02/19/ike-and-the-alien-ambassadors/4698e544-1dc8-4573-8b8d-2b48d2a6305e/ and https://www.nps.gov/eise/learn/news/ike-blog-nov-dec-2011.htm
The sound effects and music was obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com with additional music by WorldTaur.
Hosts: Jennifer Field, Dwayne Perkins, and Koji Steven Sakai
Produced by Koji Steven SakaiBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched!
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Koji 0:05
Hello and welcome to the Unofficial Official Story. My name is Koji and I am the expert in quotes.
Dwayne 0:11
Yes, good day listeners, I'm Dwayne the funny cynic.
Jennifer 0:15
Hey everyone, I'm Jennifer, the curious one.
Koji 0:18
This is a podcast where we tell you the official story. We're going to take a look at the paranormal, conspiracies, unexplained phenomena, cryptids and even true crime.
Jennifer 0:28
On this episode, we're going to take a look at whether President Dwight D. Eisenhower met with Nordic looking aliens.
Dwayne 0:35
Yes, and by the end we'll tell you what really maybe happened.
Koji 0:40
All right, but before we get into our story today. There's a lot of things going on in the news, specifically what happened in Atlanta. We're filming this a couple days after it all went down and just with all the things going on in, around the country against Asians, I thought it'd be good to talk about it since Jennifer's hapa and I'm Asian American and Dwayne is not Asian but--
Jennifer 1:02
He’s an ally.
Koji 1:03
He knows Asian people. But, Jennifer what are you thinking about during this time.
Jennifer 1:08
First of all, stop the Asian hate. And this is totally not okay and I'm glad that people are finally starting to take notice of something that's always been going on but has been going on a lot more in the last year.
Dwayne 1:21
Yeah, I think it's really so sad and not that you can necessarily dictate to people how they should feel. You can educate them and hopefully that helps but definitely you can levy consequences. I think no matter what color you are, if you do something wrong...you know you're a black kid and you push an old Asian lady down. You're a white guy you shoot up a bunch of massage parlors, you know, the consequence should be stiff. It should be decisive and it should send that message that this is not acceptable. And I think, because the ex commander in chief, kind of like his vitriol and his rhetoric goes unchecked...you know he's not in office anymore so I guess that that could help. But when people will look at the top and there's no consequences that guy's grabbing, that guy's saying this, he's calling it the Chinese virus he’s this and that. It’s just sort of like people take their cues from that, not to blame him totally, there was hatred before him there was racism before him. But yeah, we're in a weird state, and Asians shouldn't have to suffer in silence because I know a lot of it is like, just keep persevering and that's great. But I'm glad that it's getting out so people can know this is happening.
Koji 2:24
And I think what's really important with all this is that people speak up, I mean one of the things I was talking to my son about earlier this morning was about how, just because it's happening to Asians right now, it's happened before to other people. And it'll continue to happen to other people in the future and it's important that you, when you see it, you speak. You become an ally, you help them; whether that's physically or just getting in the way or helping them get out of the situation or actually having to physically fight, those are the things you have to do and right now it's Asian Americans. But again tomorrow it could be Muslim Americans or African Americans or any other group of people and I think that's the most important thing to remember.
Koji 2:57
Let's get into it. Here are the facts. On February 20,1954, that's only three days away from my birthday if you guys are wondering.
Dwayne 3:04
Koji 3:05
Palm Springs, California, not my favorite place in the world.
Jennifer 3:08
Koji 3:09
Yea I hate the place sorry.
Dwayne 3:10
Really hot.
Koji 3:11
Allegedly President Dwight D. Eisenhower was on a golf vacation when he was whisked away to nearby Edwards Air Force Base to meet two alien Nordics, which are, of course, aliens that look like Scandinavians.
Dwayne 3:23
Interesting, interesting, that’s--
Jennifer 3:26
Does that mean Scandinavians are freaky looking or ugly?
Koji 3:30
No that they're really handsome, tall blonde good looking.
Dwayne 3:34
Right, do you think they were carrying like European carryalls.
Jennifer 3:40
So, these handsome Nordics offered him this deal, they will give technology to the Americans, if America gives up their nuclear weapons.
Koji 3:49
I think they offered them TikTok.
Dwayne 3:51
Right, right, it's sort of like a, like a warhead in hand is worth two in the bush kind of situation.
Koji 3:57
TikTok or you give up your nuclear weapons, those are the options.
Jennifer 4:01
So, President Eisenhower refused to deal.
Koji 4:04
Idiot. Could you imagine having a TikTok in the 1950s I mean, it would have revolutionized the world.
Dwayne 4:11
Well, what would TikTok be in the 50s, just people vacuuming or something.
Jennifer 4:18
I love it, yeah.
Dwayne 4:18
So interesting factoids, this is crazy. The Associated Press announced that same night that President Eisenhower had a heart attack, which got retracted minutes after it was sent out.
Koji 4:30
Great cover story.
Dwayne 4:31
That's bananas, I was like my bad, you know like... President Eisenhower's press secretary later said that he went to the dentist, to replace a porcelain cap which he had chipped, while eating a chicken wing. So, it just gets crazier.
Koji 4:46
How do you chip your tooth with a chicken wing.
Dwayne 4:48
You hit the bone.
Koji 4:50
I mean, but you have to really be like, arrrrr, you know.
Jennifer 4:55
He was hungry after a day on the green.
Dwayne 4:56
Right but also how do you, how do you get that, like, you know that game telephone. I get it, but how does like chip my cap eating chicken turn into a heart attack.
Koji 5:07
Because it wasn't.
Dwayne 5:08
Exactly because it's all cap, they didn't even have that term back then. And by the way, no dental record or detailed report from his dentist office exists. Now I mean, maybe that's a HIPAA thing but if you wanted to clear it up, you would, it would just be like, hey, ask my dentist, you know, my dentist is named Sarkisyan, so ask Dr. Sarkisyan.
Jennifer 5:32
Yeah, why didn’t they just release it, you know, that year and whatnot. So anyway, so people believe that President Eisenhower met with aliens actually three times and signed a treaty with the Greys.
Koji 5:47
Which are, by the way the Asian aliens.
Dwayne 5:49
Kind of, ET-esque.
Koji 5:52
Yeah, so the Nordics are the white aliens. The Greys are considered the Asians because they're small, they're hairless, they're good at math and they have no personality. That's the rumor at least.
Jennifer 6:02
Wow, that's…
Koji 6:05
Dwayne 6:06
But they did win America's Best Dance Crew three years in a row.
Jennifer 6:13
Yes, the Greys, the Greys. Several of these meetings with the Greys, possibly the Nordics too, took place at Holloman Air Force base which is close to the Roswell crash site. One of the alleged agreements within that treaty was that humans could be captured for experiments as long as they were brought back safely. And this sort of corroborates with the rise of alien abduction claims that began in the 60s.
Koji 6:38
I would have taken TikTok.
Dwayne 6:40
Right. Do you think that was, that's what they were offering? TikTok.
Koji 6:43
Nordics we're offering like a TikTok.
Dwayne 6:45
Or like the internet. TikTok. Nice.
Koji 6:48
Yeah and the Greys were like, we'll just take humans.
Dwayne 6:50
Right, right. And Ike said, we'll keep the nukes and wait 60 years for TikTok.
Koji 6:55
Jennifer 6:58
Oh gosh, yeah well, TikTok is not so good of a thing so that means the Nordics...
Koji 7:03
They’re trying to screw us.
Jennifer 7:04
Yeah, I thought they cared about us. I thought these aliens were supposed to be benevolent neighbors.
Koji 7:11
Now that we have the facts, we'll take a quick break and when we come back we'll tell you what we think may have actually really happened.
Jennifer 7:20
Alright listeners if you have an idea about what really happened or want us to discuss a topic. Go ahead and visit us at unofficialofficialstory.com and let us know. Who knows if we like it we might just ask you to come on the show with us.
Koji 7:34
Now that we've discussed the facts, let's workshop our ideas, Jennifer, why don't you just get us started.
Jennifer 7:39
Yes, so here's what happened. Ike was having a nice day on the green golfing with his buddy US Navy Commander Charles Suggs who was apparently there in Palm Springs on this vacation with President at the time. And they were having finger sandwiches and Dwight Eisenhower was having his drink of choice, a scotch and soda and they were having a jolly old time. And they start talking about aliens you see because Ike was a strong believer and lover of aliens and he firmly and famously thought there was life on other planets, and he just knew that the rest of the government wasn't telling him the full story. And he thought when he was going to get in office and he was going to get access to all the documents and he was going to get to know and see those classified docs that proved alien life has visited us and existed in the world and he just hadn't gotten it yet. So, they tipped the concierge guy at the hotel they were staying at, and they told him to not let anyone know where they were and they disappeared for a few hours so Ike and Charles Suggs who was there, they were hanging out, and they got all excited about talking alien life and they decided to come up with this plan to leak to the American public that they supposedly, or that the President supposedly visited aliens that day at Edwards Air Force Base, 100 miles away. So, they tipped off the concierge guy, and they went into their presidential suite and hung out for a few hours to come up with this plan and disappear and make it seem like that, that's where the President was so he didn't really visit the aliens. He didn't go to the dentist. He just wanted to make it appear that he visited the aliens, and they leaked this story to their friends and family and it sort of seeped out into the American public. And that's what happened.
Dwayne 9:43
Okay, I like that because it's like if you said you went to an epic party that you didn't go to. You just wanted the props, so you just sort of tell everybody you went to the party.
Jennifer 9:51
Dwayne 9:53
And then you know the only people who can say otherwise were people who were at the party.
Koji 9:56
Yeah, but the party was with allegedly aliens.
Jennifer 9:59
And he just, he wanted to believe so bad that aliens had visited us and were here and he also maybe was trying to like help the American public, understand that there is something going on that the rest of the government isn't revealing to him, and he wanted to get that out there.
Koji 10:18
Okay, I love that. My theory is, at first I thought, okay, Eisenhower because everyone in the 1950s was a closet racist or outward racist one of those two. But then I started looking into Eisenhower and realized that no, he was actually a pretty progressive guy for who he was. And then I started thinking, no I had it all wrong, and a way I had it wrong was the reason he didn't make a deal with the Nordic aliens was because he didn't want to have the racial hierarchy, continue with the aliens. So when the Greys came, he was like, oh, here are people of color. Here are the Asians, I want to make a deal with the Asians, not the Nordics. And so for him he did meet with all these people, but he had an ulterior motive which is he wanted to make sure that Asians, got their props, and it wasn't about the Nordics.
Dwayne 11:07
So he wanted to make sure, like, basically people who weren't, sort of, this is coming off the heels of World War Two. He didn't want to do the deal with people who were like the epitome of the quote unquote sort of like, Aryan...
Koji 11:19
Exactly. So, he did, so I think he actually did meet them, but I think it was kind of, he had this ulterior racial hierarchy thing going on. What I think about him is that he's the first woke president.
Jennifer 11:32
Yeah so he liked, he liked Asians.
Dwayne 11:33
He did pass the first civil rights bill, I believe so, this is something that…
Koji 11:37
And that's not far, from civil rights bill to making a deal with the Grey aliens right. Those are like, it’s like one little step that's all.
Dwayne 11:43
Right right, I think, kind of like a little bit along those lines. So Jennifer, your thing, he was basically trying to force the hand of CIA or whoever the secret agency is, the men in black. He was trying to force them to like let him in on the party, I like that I like that. What I was thinking was, because I watched Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, I think I don't know how it works...but an alien sees you, or you see an alien, you meet an alien, these are different types of encounters. And one type is when you request the aliens to come and they come. So there was this documentary on Amazon. And one thing that they said is, which is, which strikes me as true, is sometimes the government will fake alien abductions. They’ll fake alien things. And that makes sense, just like with the Black Panther Party or what. Anytime there's a thing they always send in an undercover informant kind of thing, you know, so it's to cause confusion, kind of like Darth Vader and General, what’s his name Palpatine or whatever.
Koji 12:45
Emperor Palpatine.
Dwayne 12:46
Yeah yeah. So here's what happened he met the Nordics, but they weren't really Nordics, they weren't really aliens, that was a whole staged kind of thing. And they were government officials, who just was just seeing where his head was. That, and the whole give up the nukes thing that didn't really happen with the Nordics, that happened, sort of, with the Greys, right, and if it did happen with the Nordics, they were just kind of testing Ike to see if he was going to sort of like fall in line. This was like, I don't really believe in deep state but let's call this like the first deep state thing that ever happened. And that's why they announced that he died because it was like, we'll just kill you if you don't fall in line, but he fell in line. And I think the deal wasn't necessarily technology, it was more like, are you willing to keep the technology going. Like they want to just, just to see if he was going to be a type of President who would keep things going, and I think he said what he needed to say, to get out of that and that's why they retracted the thing that he died. So he said something to like assure them, I'm going to play by the rules, whatever those rules were be it probably proliferation of more weapons and things of that nature.
So the release of the Associated Press was that, that was the CIA that did it. Or somebody released that in case he’s going to die.
Dwayne 14:02
They were gonna kill him and then he was like, no, no, no, or whatever, whatever, I'll play ball. Now there is another element of it could be the government, the government for sure. But some of that like we’ll give you technology thing, there could be an underlying thing of like, the Nazis in hiding, will come out of hiding and give us the technology that maybe Germany had that we didn't have. If we give them safe harbor, you know, and that that kind of stuff did happen as well.
Koji 14:26
Like TikTok.
Dwayne 14:28
Right right, like TikTok. And so what happens was so he's gonna play ball, and the arms race is going to start the proliferation of more and more weapons. Birth of the military industrial complex, then right after or sometime around that same time, the Greys, who are real aliens, they met with him. Either in person or just like a--
Jennifer 14:52
Fifth kind.
Dwayne 14:53
Yeah like they just did a thing in his brain telepathy kind of thing. I think they showed him the destruction that could happen. They showed him, like, good and bad, what could become of this world. And that's why, on his way out when he couldn't be touched. The last thing he tells the American public, is beware the military industrial complex.
Koji 15:11
I can't believe you just gave away our secret, that we could talk, we could talk to people. Asians can talk to people, through our minds, we have like a high mentality. So we're gonna delete that part so no one heard that okay. But which of these three stories do you guys like best.
Dwayne 15:24
I mean I guess we can mix it up you know.
Koji 15:27
We can always mix it up. So Jennifer your story was about how it was all because he loves, he's an alienphile, and he wants to, he really really likes the aliens. And then Dwayne’s story, your story is that it was a CIA plot to see how down he was. And for me, it was that he really did meet with the aliens, I don't know how we could...
Dwayne 15:48
So in my theory the Nordics were staged kind of thing, and the Greys were real. And I think in Jennifer's, the missing piece was, what information did he have what inclination did he have to know that something was being hidden from him. Was a door cracked open. Did he see a file was, or were files being, you know being redacted or something.
Jennifer 16:09
Sure, yeah.
Koji 16:12
Well, that's where we can, we can develop more. We're gonna develop more of these stories once we get into the writers’ room. But I think we have to pick one of our three story.
Jennifer 16:20
Wait yours has, yours has got layers Dwayne. So like wait, so he did meet with the Grey aliens, they were real. The Nordic thing was staged.
Koji 16:27
To see how down he was.
Jennifer 16:29
To see how down he was because they wanted to make sure that he was down for the military industrial complex like he wanted to make sure he was down for weaponry and stuff, right. So, well, I mean, I guess we have to figure out amongst our three stories, are aliens, did they visit or not? Like are aliens real or not right.
Koji 16:51
Well two of three of our stories, the aliens are real.
Dwayne 16:54
But in yours Koji, what would make him map the Greys to Asian people. Because like honestly you're the first person that told me that. Like no, meaning, I've seen like these the Grey aliens. I've never looked at one and go oh that's, that looks like an Asian.
Koji 17:09
That’s probably because you're not racist. Okay. So. You know I think that I think that he just fought a big war, like he talked about World War II. So Japanese people were on his mind. You know, so it's like, he's like okay, well these Greys are Asian. Maybe they spoke with a very bad Asian accent right. Breakfast at Tiffany’s right.
Jennifer 17:34
Guys I want to go with one of the stories that aliens are real. Because I think they are real because of the things that got released in the last couple years. You know that, those was it the Naval videos...that there's been a couple admissions from the government just in the last couple years. And that documentary Koji recommended Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind guys, which was a great recommendation because it's sort of like was an update on all the alien stuff that's been going on. I think that the government is hiding stuff and there has been aliens.
Koji 18:06
Yeah, I’m voting for Dwayne's because I like the complication of the first it's fake and then it's real. Do you guys agree with that.
Dwayne 18:13
Sure we can work on it.
Jennifer 18:14
Let’s do that. That one’s like nice and deep and layered.
Koji 18:19
Great, so that's going to be our, the beginning of our official story.
Dwayne 18:22
We'll take our last break and when we return, we will develop the story.
Koji 18:28
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Jennifer 18:35
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Dwayne 18:45
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Koji 19:01
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Koji 19:13
Okay we're entering the writers’ room. Let's develop our idea. So our idea is Dwayne's idea CIA or some government agency, set up a fake meeting with Nordics with Eisenhower to make him believe, and to test his loyalty to the country. But also how much he's willing to put into the military industrial complex. But then after that he does meet with the Greys psychically, who reveal to him that it could be, could be a nightmare. If he continues down this path. That sound about right?
Jennifer 19:43
Yeah, I love that because it's like the bad guys are coming in, us the bad guys and then the benevolent aliens telepathically reach him and say no no no don't. It's just a nice story.
Dwayne 19:54
Right, well, and the thought that aliens would come here and need to, like, negotiate with us on any level, like, I don’t know. They would have to be benevolent because if they got here, they could clearly destroy us, you know what I mean.
Jennifer 20:07
They would have already destroyed us by now.
Dwayne 20:08
They would have already destroyed us right. And so it could be the Nordic situation. But I also think the fact that they would look Nordic, would be like a nice ploy to soften them up, they're like oh wow, these aliens look like me, you know what I mean. But now the other thing is that aliens, when you watch TV and movies, aliens always have the ability to make themselves look like us.
Koji 20:31
So what, why did, what was the initial impetus to start this whole, create this meeting. Why did they want to test Eisenhower.
Dwayne 20:40
I think it's because they knew the Greys existed. So they knew the Greys existed, and wanted to, probably had a message of peace or just sort of like, this is how you guys can live. And they were intercepting that, because it didn't go with their agenda. So that’s, so to stage this whole thing, trying to get them on that path but it just didn't work.
Koji 20:59
And Jennifer why do you think that there's never been anybody, any of the people met with Eisenhower, who were allegedly the aliens, why haven't they ever come out. Why isn't, haven't they ever revealed themselves, even in like a deathbed confession.
Jennifer 21:10
Wait you mean the people at that first Nordic meeting.
Koji 21:12
Yeah that first Nordic meeting who were humans but acting like aliens. I mean wouldn’t you think that if you were one of those people you'd write a tell all book in 1980s.
Jennifer 21:20
Well, I know that because we're saying it's a staged, it was a staged alien meeting, because there was one or two people that came out right that that went on record to say that it did actually happen and they were there. And they saw the aliens, they saw the ships, they saw Eisenhower. So I guess they thought they were fooled too.
Koji 21:39
No but the actual people, the actual people who were supposed to be the aliens, when they met with Eisenhower.
Jennifer 21:42
Oh you mean the ones that were wearing the costumes.
Koji 21:46
Why wouldn't they say anything.
Jennifer 21:48
Well they must have picked, just like they experimented on the mentally ill for the LSD experiments, they must have used those poor folks in the alien costumes.
Koji 21:59
Oh that's a good one.
Dwayne 22:00
Right, so no one would believe them because they were known to be LSD users.
Koji 22:04
Or they were so tripped, they were tripping out so much that they didn’t even realize what's what's happening and what's not happening.
Dwayne 22:09
But also, I think, I think we are kind of like, we're mapping our current world to the world before. Like our current world, you don't need the Associated Press. Imagine the Associated Press, said he'd died or had a heart attack, and then took it back and like that would be so hard. Like anything you post on Twitter, nowadays, even for a second, and you take it down, someone got it. And if it's a bad thing, it'll get you in trouble no matter what even 10 years from now. But I think back then, the information was much easier to control, so even if you were inclined to do a tell all book, it wouldn't get published, and you’d probably run the risk of getting killed before anyone heard your story, you know what I mean. Like it was much easier to contain these things back then and now you see stories are getting out and the government is loosening its stance on the whole thing because you can't control the internet and you can't control everyone.
Koji 23:03
So why did, why did the Grey aliens care so much about the planet.
Dwayne 23:07
I think it was more that they didn't like that they were being misrepresented. And I think they did care too. I think it was twofold. So I think they’re willing to let us do what we want to do. But when they were being sort of like misquoted, then there's just sort of like, this is what we're really about. I think that's why they stepped up like that.
Jennifer 23:24
I love that. I mean, I do agree that these Greys are good guys, because yes, they would have already destroyed us by now if they were evil. So, because they're good and they're spiritually whole, they only want the best for us neighbors and so yeah they're wanting to help us out and then also yeah they were not happy with the government misrepresenting them I love that.
Koji 23:47
So do you think these Greys have reached out to the other presidents after Eisenhower, or was it just like, oh, it didn't work with this dude so we're gonna just stop.
Dwayne 23:54
Right right, no I think they have, you know...
Koji 23:57
Dwayne 23:58
Or in person.
Jennifer 24:00
Yeah I think it's both.
Dwayne 24:01
I think it’s both. And I think it comes down to who's doing the probing, because they get, sort of, they get a lot of bad rap for being the ones who capture, abduct and probe. Maybe there's something to it. But you can also make the argument that that's also CIA or a government thing, just to keep aliens sort of in a bad light keep them as you know, this unseen enemy. You know, because I think when aliens come right, if they've come or when they do come...the fact that they’re here, represents a total challenge to our hierarchy, our economy, everything.
Jennifer 24:37
Dwayne 24:38
Yeah, because right because then like you're questioning God and if they come and they say, oh you know capitalism doesn't work, we tried it 2 million years ago. Right. It's like, it would be an upheaval of everything you know.
Jennifer 24:50
Right, right, mankind as we know it, everything. Our principles, philosophy, religion, economics, it just...that's why the government wants to make them a, you know, scary, probing experimenting presence right.
Koji 25:06
Well I do believe that one of the interesting things about aliens and if they exist or not, is that if they do exist, and our government can't do anything about it, it does say a lot about why do we need to have a government. In that documentary we watched the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, that was interesting because their point was, well, they have to make us scared of them. Because if they don't make us scared of them, then, why do we have this whole military complex, you know. And then to their point it was like well they could come here destroy us so why do we even, like, they're here obviously not here to destroy us they’re here to help us. Which I don't know if I believe that or not, but maybe it's just all the TV shows I've seen and movies.
Jennifer 25:40
Exactly, which is a trickle down from the government wanting to, yeah, us have, us be scared.
Koji 25:46
So maybe this original Nordic meeting was really the beginning of the CIA's involvement in Hollywood to start to make movies and TV shows about aliens to get us scared about aliens. Like in Twilight Zone, To Serve Man, right that one where the aliens come and they help, and then they destroy, they want to eat people. That was like maybe those people, the originators were the people that wrote those shows.
Dwayne 26:09
And you asked like why did those people not come forward. They came to Hollywood and started producing movies.
Koji 26:15
They started writing and producing TV shows and movies, yeah.
Jennifer 26:17
I see, yeah.
Koji 26:18
So maybe the person who wrote ET was probably like got killed or something because, you know, like that's a positive alien.
Dwayne 26:24
Right, but at the same time it's like, I think they let that one go because it's a kid's thing. You know what I mean.
Koji 26:32
Yeah and it can't be so obvious.
Dwayne 26:33
And it’s Steven Spielberg he's a little high up, because he also had Close Encounters of the Third Kind which I think painted him in an okay light. And so it's like okay two movies paint them in a good light. But then a hundred, paint them in a bad light.
Koji 26:46
We need our Independence Day. Today we declare our independence. My favorite movie of all time.
Jennifer 26:52
Is that the Independence Day, Will Smith.
Koji 26:53
Yeah Will Smith.
Dwayne 26:55
But then we beat them with guns, it's always like...
Koji 26:57
No no, we beat them with a virus. A computer virus.
Dwayne 27:01
It's either a virus or you attack the Queen ship or sound waves are just good old fashioned Wizard of Oz, just throw some water on them.
Koji 27:15
Oh, actually, let me ask a quick question, Jennifer, how did they first find out that the aliens were real was it Roswell or was it something else.
Jennifer 27:21
Oh, when the government found out.
Koji 27:23
Yeah, because they would have to find out before this meeting, so in order...
Dwayne 27:26
Roswell was before this.
Koji 27:27
Roswell was before this, I think it was about 10 years before this.
Jennifer 27:29
I think it was Roswell, I think that, 1947, was when they discovered aliens were here because the crash from Roswell.
Koji, Jennifer, Dwayne 27:40
And that is the official story.
Jennifer 27:43
Thank you so much for listening. There are hundreds of thousands of podcasts out there and we're honored that you chose us to listen to.
Dwayne 27:51
Please check out our website, unofficialofficialstory.com for our show notes, or to hear our past episodes.
Koji 27:57
And be sure to come back next month, where we're going to talk about the Mothman. Alright bye guys.
Dwayne 28:06
Bye guys.
Jennifer 28:06
Koji 28:07