We'll come up with the "official" story so you don't have to!
Sept. 16, 2021

S1E7 Was 9/11 an Inside Job So We Could Invade Afghanistan?

S1E7 Was 9/11 an Inside Job So We Could Invade Afghanistan?

This month the Unofficial Official Story team was in the studio by themselves and answered the question: Was 9/11 an inside job? Listen to the episode to find out the "official" story.

This month the Unofficial Official Story team was in the studio by themselves and answered the question: Was 9/11 an inside job? Listen to the episode to find out the "official" story. 

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Aliens? Bigfoot? Slender Man? QAnon? The grassy knoll? The Zodiac Killer? We've heard all the stories and hypotheses trying to explain the unexplainable before, but what's really going on? Join comedian Dwayne Perkins, writer Koji Steven Sakai, actress Jennifer Field, and their guests as they sift through the facts... and the fiction... to come up with the “official” story.


Our team of researchers do most of its “research” on the Internet, so take our “facts” for what they are. With that in mind, much of the information we got for this episode was gleaned from the following sources:








9/11 Conspiracy Theories and the Unanswered Questions (on Tubi) https://tubitv.com/movies/562175/9-11-conspiracy-theories-and-the-unanswered-questions?start=true&utm_source=google-feed&tracking=google-feed 


The sound effects and music are from https://www.zapsplat.com with additional music by WorldTaur.

Hosts: Jennifer Field, Dwayne Perkins, and Koji Steven Sakai

Produced by Koji Steven Sakai

Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/unofficialofficialstory)


Jennifer Field: [00:00:05] Hello and welcome to episode number seven of the unofficial official story. I'm Jennifer, the fearless investigator.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:00:12] Hello, listeners, I'm Dwayne The class clown,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:00:15] And I'm Koji, the so-called chief of this show.

Jennifer Field: [00:00:17] This is a podcast where we tell you the official story. We're going to take a look at the paranormal conspiracies, unexplained phenomena, cryptids and even true crime.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:00:26] In this episode, we're asking the question Was 9/11 an inside job?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:00:30] And by the End, we'll tell you what really maybe happened.

Jennifer Field: [00:00:33] All right. But first, since we don't have a guess, we're going to chat a little. So let's think about this. Where were you guys on 9/11 and what do you remember from that day?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:00:42] I was in L.A., actually, which is crazy to think about. I was kind of new to L.A. I'd been to L.A. before, but newly here as a as a resident and I was hanging out with, I was a girl. I was dating at the time. I had a little sleepover.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:00:56] Were were you married?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:00:56] No, no, no, no. But you know, we you know, it was above board. We both had our PJs. We roasted marshmallows the night before. So September 10th was solid. So that morning  she had a Janky gym like it's one of these gyms in her building where they say they have a gym, but they really don't. But they say it, you know, there was a janky little bike, so I was like, I'm just going to go work out on a bike real quick. So I did like half hour on a bike when it came upstairs. She had the news on it. She was like a plane, just hit the World Trade Center and I was like, Oh my God, that's crazy. And then I feel like I'm like, went to like, shower or get some water or something. And the second plane hit and then we were like, Oh, this is crazy. And then I couldn't get anyone on the phone back home in New York because My aunt, she works, not exactly there, but pretty close. It was just crazy. That whole day was crazy and just sat. And I think I like a coffee shop or something, you know, cafe, just trying to call people and talk to people. And slowly, as the day went on, I was able to get people on the phone, Find out sort Of mark everyone. But that's where I was on nine 11.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:01:57] And I remember waking up in the morning. My I think one of my friends called me and she told me that the second Pearl Harbor, because being Japanese American Pearl Harbor means a lot to us, right? And they said, this is the second Pearl Harbor. And I started watching the news and I think I saw it right when the first building was on fire and then I watched it all the way through the second building. But what I remember from the day and this is going to sound terrible, but I remember I had a meeting with MTV that day and it got cancelled, obviously. And I remember being like, That sucks, but I remember driving around that day. I went to my girlfriend at the Times House and I just remember looking at other people's car and seeing everybody's expression being very shocked and not knowing kind of what was going on. And kind of, I don't know if it's being scared because we're on the other side of the country. But seeing that shock, I think, was really interesting because one thing I told my cousin was that before 9/11 wars were didn't happen like there are one day wars or two day wars. They weren't real wars. And after that, everything changed. When I was in college, I was in the ROTC and there was zero chance I thought I was going to fight. Right now, if you join the ROTC, you're 100 percent Going to be in a war somewhere,Right? Somewhere you're going to be stationed and you're going to be fighting. Jennifer, where were you on 911?

Jennifer Field: [00:03:04] I remember I, we were about to start, I think, sophomore year of college. So I was at university and I just remember waking up. It was really early in the morning and I was living with my boyfriend at the time, and he had the news turned on. And I just remember, like, not realizing what a big deal it was. That's naivete. I was like, you know, 19 years old. He was just like watching it and he's like, Jennifer, this is huge. And I was like, What? I mean, you know, I just see the buildings and the news report. I don't remember what point it was when I turned it on, but it was maybe after the buildings had collapsed. But I just know that he helped me realize how life changing it was going to be, and he just knew this is huge. It's going to change our lives forever. And that's what I remember, and they started school. I think they pushed the start of the school session back. They sent this email out and Santa Clara University was like, Yeah, you know, to honor the victims and to let people have some peace at this time. So we started school late, I think, a few days later, and I think it was just like hard to grasp how all the shakedown that happened. So but it is. I find it interesting that everyone always remembers where they were, like, I've never met someone that was like, Oh yeah, I happen to, like, be on vacation that day, and I didn't hear about it till that night. Like, I never hear. For some reason, everybody always has a story of how they felt about it.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:04:23] Yeah. And there's a couple of moments like that in history. It's like JFK assassination. I wasn't around then, Dwayne, you might. You might remember that day. I know I was just giving up, you know, a Pearl Harbor. It was another one. And obviously, I think 9/11 is the is the other one.

Jennifer Field: [00:04:37] All right, guys, what do you think? Should we get into it?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:04:38] Yep, let's get into it.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:04:39] Word

Jennifer Field: [00:04:42] All right. So one of the things we all watch to give us deep background on the subject was a short documentary on Tubi called 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and the unanswered questions. So it's only 19 minutes. So no excuses. You can totally watch it. It's pretty fun. And here are some facts.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:04:58] Well, first, it is important to note that there are many different conspiracy theories around 9/11. In fact, here just a few, a secret cabal of rich people purportedly put options on airplane stocks in order to enrich themselves, even more so, I guess someone out there can prove this and I guess they shorted the airline industry. Another one is North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD told the fighter jets to stand down and or got them in the air too late to do anything. Oopsies. Another one is and I've never heard this one until now. Israeli agents either knew what was going to happen and either didn't say anything or were actively working to cause it. Obviously, this just might come from a place of anti-Semitism, and the other is that the Pentagon was not hit by a plane, But by a missile.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:05:42] Flight 93 was not brought down by the passengers, but by a missile. The BBC released a list of names of hijackers pretty quickly after the attack, some of which were wrong. So the conspiracists believe that this was a sign that the whole thing was obviously a fake. Foreign governments may have played a role in financing the attack, such as Saudi Arabia Pakistan. There is even one that says that there were no planes used in the attack at all, which is crazy.

Jennifer Field: [00:06:05] It's crazy.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:06:06] We all saw a plane. I mean, unless we didn't see what

Dwyane Perkins: [00:06:08] We saw, unless that was some sweet CGI.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:06:11] There's a deep fake as a super deep fake.

Jennifer Field: [00:06:13] So, yeah, so how many people believe in 9-11 conspiracies in the U.S.? According to The Huffington Post, a little more than half of Americans actually believe that the U.S. government is withholding what they know about 9-11. Now that's a lot, right? That's I guess majority, right? A little more than half. So this episode would be five hours long if we spent time talking about all the theories because there's so much out there and there's a lot of interesting details, but we're just going to be focusing on what we consider is the main one. Was 9-11 an inside job?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:06:45] Simply put, the conspiracy goes something like this. The United States government needed an excuse to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. The theory goes that they either let nine 11 happen and did nothing, you know, not scrambling the jets, letting the terrorists into the country in the first place. Or they actually brought down the buildings on their own using explosives to make it look like a plane crash so they could invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:07:08] Now, why would the American government want to invade Afghanistan and Iraq? Well, of course, it's easy to further America's geopolitical interests, of course. In other words, there's a theory out there that America planned to build a natural gas pipeline in Afghanistan and of course, controlled the oil in Iraq.

Jennifer Field: [00:07:24] Mm hmm. There could be another reason, so some argue that the Bush administration allowed 9-11 to happen because they knew that it would create a lot of fear, justify their war on terror and most importantly, lead to the curtailing of civil liberties. For example, let's not forget The Patriot Act.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:07:40] It worked. It worked.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:07:42] It really did. What are some of the evidence that 911 was an inside job? First and foremost, immediately following 9-11, the United States invaded Afghanistan and then Iraq. Conspiracy to believe that if you watch the video footage from 9-11 closely, there was an explosion moments before the plane hit the World Trade Centers, proving that it was an explosive, not the planes that brought the World Trade Center buildings down. To further their argument, they would argue that it is impossible for two commercial airlines to bring down such large buildings.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:08:12] The evidence we saw cited most was based on the steel structure of the World Trade Center itself. Conspiricists argue that the temperature needed to melt steel is a lot hotter than the temperature of the plane explosion and fuel could ever have reached. They cite the fact that the steel melt at two thousand seven hundred and seventy seven degrees Fahrenheit, but that jet fuel burns only at one thousand five hundred and seventeen degrees Fahrenheit. That's a big Difference. I'm not great at math, but I know that's a big difference. According to a Pew survey, seventy five percent of Egyptians in 2011 did not believe that the attack was committed by Arabs. We're pretty sure most of those 75 percent believe that 911 was an inside job to make the Arab nations and people look bad and to justify the United States invading Arab lands.

Jennifer Field: [00:08:51] So this I find the most interesting part of our research was there. And is there historical precedent for such a bold plan? Believe it or not, there actually is. All right. So I don't know if you guys have heard of this, but it was called Operation Northwoods in nineteen sixty two. Ok, the plan was never implemented, but it was approved by the Joint Chief of Staff, and the plan was to carry out a series of terrorist attacks within the United States and then blame it on Cuba. This is the 60s guys, thereby justifying an invasion. This, of course, didn't happen, but it is very true that it was discussed at the very highest levels of the American government.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:09:32] Have you guys heard of that?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:09:33] I hadn't. No, not really.

Jennifer Field: [00:09:34] You? Not till this. It's crazy.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:09:37] You know, I hadn't heard of it, but at the same time, like this one guy, Brooklyn Mike is comic I used to know from back in the day from New York. Shout out to him. I don't. I don't know where he's at now, but shout out to Brooklyn, Mike. He would say the difference between crack at in the Basehead, which is very similar. But he said a crackhead will steal your shit. But a basehead steal your shit and help you look for it. And so it is in the hood. There's always this element of like if you lose something, the person helping you find it. Is always a person of interest.

Jennifer Field: [00:10:06] Oh my gosh.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:10:07] You just kind of know that like, is this person being close to me because he wants to know what I know? Was he really, really trying to help me? So the whole inside job thing, just on a commonsense level, which I'll talk about later? It's always the thing. But going on, we would be remiss not to mention another historical conspiracy here. It is often alleged that President Roosevelt knew of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but didn't do anything about it because he needed to galvanize the country so that the U.S. could enter World War Two.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:10:36] I actually believe this conspiracy.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:10:37] I believe I believe it too. And I think. 

Jennifer Field: [00:10:39] Are you serious?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:10:40] The difference is these are like soldiers who signed up for this as opposed to like civilians. But. 

Jennifer Field: [00:10:46] Right,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:10:46] Well, didn't get signed up to get killed in Pearl Harbor.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:10:48] No. But I Mean, is that it's not it's on American soil because it's a Hawaii, but it's it's not like the continental U.S.

Jennifer Field: [00:10:55] You think that he knew and let it happen.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:10:57] Yeah, because I think that the country at the time was not willing to go in World War Two.

Jennifer Field: [00:11:02] Yeah,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:02] And he needed an excuse to go into World War Two. And you know,

Jennifer Field: [00:11:04] Oh my God

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:05] but I don't know. I mean, every time I believe a conspiracy, it just sounds crazy, and it makes me think that I shouldn't believe the conspiracy.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:11:10] That's the thing. What? We'll get into it, but that's the thing. It's that's it's by design to make you think you're crazy, you know?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:17] Of course, there is a lot to debunk. But first, like any good conspiracy, there is some truth. It is clear that the Bush administration wanted to go into Iraq before 9/11 and would have jumped at any chance to do so, according to a Slate article with links in our show notes Jane Green, the chief of the CIA's Iraq Group before 9-11, is quoted as saying there was a wide feeling among US incoming President Bush, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and Vice President Cheney all had reason to want to redress what they felt was the failure during the Gulf War of leaving Saddam in power.

Jennifer Field: [00:11:47] The administration attempted to connect the 9/11 attack to Iraq and Saddam Hussein, but there was and has never been any evidence that substantiates this part of the claim.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:57] I remember when I was in school before nine eleven, I was in college and I remember reading articles about how the Bush administration wanted to go into or not the Bush administration. Sorry, the neocons wanted to go back into Iraq, and I remember reading that. So there is a lot of truth in that it did want to go into Iraq.

Jennifer Field: [00:12:16] It's upsetting, guys. And you know, we do have Trump as probably the least favorite and most embarrassing president of history. But George W. Bush was the close second. And for those of you old enough to remember, it was a horrible time and he was just doing all kinds of stupid stuff like this. So anyway, the question remains, did the Bush administration set up the 9-11 attacks to justify them invading Iraq? Absolutely. I mean, but when no evidence of a connection ever came to light, they quickly switch tactics and focused on this whole possible weapons of mass destruction, which of course famously we all know was never freakin Found

Dwyane Perkins: [00:12:56] In response to the World Trade Center not being able to collapse without explosives. Regarding that question, chemist Frank Greening dispelled that myth. He ran a computer simulation where he found that the weight of the floors above the crash sites would be enough to cause three each story below it to collapse, pancaking the entire building. But I think he's in the minority in that belief right now.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:13:15] I think it's pretty common belief.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:13:17] Ok, OK. Because a lot of people still don't think that that

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:13:19] A lot of people don't. Global warming is real.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:13:21] Right, right. But he's saying here that he believes that the building could have pancaked.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:13:27] Well, he's saying that that it didn't need explosives. You could have just had a plane crash into it.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:13:32] And it was enough. That would be enough. Some people don't think it was enough, but he might be

Jennifer Field: [00:13:36] Saying it is. He ran a simulation

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:13:39] As opposed to. I think a lot of people are just saying, I don't think so, as opposed to actually actually doing something in response to the steel versus jet fuel temperature question, Thomas Eggar, an engineering professor at MIT. Explain what happened at one thousand two hundred degrees Fahrenheit steel lose its 50 percent of its strength. He believed the temperature in the building. When you add the jet fuel and all the things that can burn, like the office furniture or the paper, et cetera, the temperature could have reached upwards of 1400 degrees Fahrenheit. At that temperature would have caused the horizontal steel trusses to sag, and it would have broken the clips that held the vertical steel columns, both of which would have led to the structure becoming unstable and eventually crumbling.

Jennifer Field: [00:14:13] There you Go. I bet not everybody read those facts before, right? So despite all this debunking, some people will still believe that 9-11 was an inside job. So to put their minds at ease when we come back, we're going to put our minds together and we're going to figure out what really maybe happened. One way you can help the podcast is by making sure to hit the subscribe button and then write a review. Every review helps us move up the charts and thank you to everybody that already has now that we've discussed the facts in true the unofficial official story fashion, let's workshop our ideas

Dwyane Perkins: [00:14:50] For this one. I don't think my idea is going to particularly entertaining or original or anything like that. We've workshop the facts, but then there's some facts that I just wanted to throw out there. Well,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:00] You did research. 

Dwyane Perkins: [00:15:02] A little. Yeah, yeah, I mean, I watched. I watched two documentaries. One.

Jennifer Field: [00:15:06] Wait, did you watch Loose change?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:15:07] No, I don't know what it was called. There's another one on Tubi.

Jennifer Field: [00:15:10] There's so many.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:15:11] And what's great about it is that these guys were in Canada, you know, like Canadian scientists and things like that.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:16] Do we trust Canadians more? Is that what you're implying?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:15:19] Yeah, I think so.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:23] They we're just to be clear, they were burying native Canadians in the ground.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:15:27] No, no, absolutely.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:28] In the nineteen seventies.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:15:29] But that's why That's. But that's why you trust them, because it's some other white guys.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:34] Got it.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:15:35] You know what I mean? Some other white guys that are going, Hey, wait a minute, those white guys don't don't believe what those white guys are doing is on the up and up. Let me hear what these other white guys have to say. So no, just some things to sort of like help us come up in our story and also people listening. I feel like this episode is really not only could it be five hours long, it's more like homework, because that's that's the thing with any conspiracy theory, especially something like this. With so many nooks and crannies and turns and twists, it's homework, and the internet isn't designed for you to figure it out. It's just designed for you to keep looking and whatever you think, you can find something to support it. This happened at a great time because now the algorithm is just making us splitting us further and further apart because people are only finding what kind of lean sort of what they already think.

Jennifer Field: [00:16:22] Yeah, it's Sad, right?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:16:23] Yeah, it's really sad. So just some things I want to sort of reiterate if we didn't say one is the owner wasn't there, right? Larry Silverstein guy,

Jennifer Field: [00:16:31] Correct.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:16:32] He recently purchased a building or finance. What have you? And he wasn't there. None of his family was there, which is kind of like, dumb luck. Did he know? He also had an insurance policy

Jennifer Field: [00:16:42] That he just took out a few months before.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:16:44] Yeah, yeah. Members of the Bin Laden family were in the White House when this happened. Bush wasn't there, but they were visiting the White House. I think that's a fact that we can look up. That's a known thing.

Jennifer Field: [00:16:53] Oh, I don't know.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:16:54] But like Bin Laden is sort of like the at that point he was the black sheep sort of Outcast.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:16:58] Yeah. Bin Laden's family is huge.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:17:00] Yeah, yeah, it's a big family. But still, it's just like, what are the odds that some of them, even the quote unquote good ones, are at the White House that day?

Jennifer Field: [00:17:08] Wow.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:17:09] The other thing is, people say another reason we attacked Iraq was they were thinking, I guess for the longest time, I don't know what it is now, but you buy oil with American dollars and they were thinking about like switching that over to Euro. And that would sort of like, make Euros the standard whatever you use to buy oil because you have to get that money and then use that money to buy oil. And so before this, it was like whatever currency you had, you had to get American dollars and then go get your oil. But again, this is more homework than anything else.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:17:36] I don't understand what's the point of that.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:17:38] The point of that is that if we invade them, they can't do that. They can't make that switch to like only accepting euro to sell their oil.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:17:45] I could be wrong. But was Iraq a part of OPEC at that point?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:17:48] I think so.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:17:49] I don't think they were. I think they were outcasts.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:17:51] I'm just throwing everything out right now. I can't even read my own handwriting.

Jennifer Field: [00:17:54] Intense. You were on one go.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:17:58] The other thing I would say is the whole bush thing when he was reading to the kids and he doesn't leave, you know, because he's reading to some school kids when nine eleven happens and they're whispering in his ear and he kind of just stands there, you know?

Jennifer Field: [00:18:11] Yeah, what's his reaction? Is it

Dwyane Perkins: [00:18:12] I watch a lot of dateline and forensic files, and it's like, there's a way that a husband who's killed His wife,

Jennifer Field: [00:18:18] OK, Acts right?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:18:20] His people, even if they plan out the whole thing, they don't plan that part of it out. And, you know, I don't know, maybe, maybe that was a sincere reaction. Maybe that was just but it just he had that deer in the clouds eyes. And to me, I read it like he was like, Oh my God, they did it.

Jennifer Field: [00:18:34] Oh yeah. As opposed to a reaction should be more like pain. Wow.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:18:38] So now, after the Trump years, I'm just going to say that my my thoughts of Bush are a little bit different than they were during the time. But I think he at the end of the day, was probably a very good guy. He just wasn't very smart.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:18:49] I think so, absolutely.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:18:50] And I think that, you know, one of the stories, for example, that I always share about him, you know, and recognizing he did a lot of terrible things like Patriot Act and Guantanamo and all that stuff. But you know, when he went into the cabinet after nine eleven, he said to everybody that he doesn't want what happened to the Japanese-Americans, like Secretary of Transportation Mineta. He doesn't want that to happen again before anybody said anything. That was the first thing, he said. So I mean, I think we give him too much credit to say he was involved in it. I know maybe like I could say, Rumsfeld or Cheney. 

Jennifer Field: [00:19:15] Or Cheney.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:19:15] He was president because his name is George Bush. And there was someone else with that same name who was president. And then they were like, Hey, man, what are you doing? Want to be president? He was like, All right, yeah, yeah, I'll be president. Why not? So I don't think he's to the core, a bad person. I don't think he would have signed off on that, but I think he was sort of like being told where to be and what to say. You know, like, I say this with celebrities who reach a certain level. because some of them are control every detail and some of them are like their life is a whirlwind. And if someone's grabbing them, putting them in front of a camera and they're saying something and they don't even know what's happening, they're just being shuffled around. So my theory, I guess, is not too involved. But I just think I think It was Cheney, you know, I don't want to get Shot in the face or anything like that. But because he did that, you know, he shot his friend by accident.

Jennifer Field: [00:20:01] Oh, yeah, that's right.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:20:03] When they were hunting for quails against whatever it is, because also, you know, Cheney's the former, I think, chairman of the board of Halliburton, he kind of like stepped down to become vice president. But it's like you still have to have shares in that company. You have friends over there.

Jennifer Field: [00:20:17] What is that company?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:18] Halliburton,

Jennifer Field: [00:20:19] Which is. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:20] Defense contractors.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:20:21] Yeah, they build like the pipelines and everything.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:24] And there were the there was the soldiers that the United States hired to private security hired in Iraq.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:20:30] I've never been to Iraq, but I'm gone to Afghanistan and I've done some military shows.

Jennifer Field: [00:20:35] Oh, and

Dwyane Perkins: [00:20:36] You show up. This is what I've been told because I think by the time I started doing these shows, I was already changed. But back in the day, like you had your privates and some privates worked in the mess hall and every every job on a military base was done by a soldier. And by the time I started doing these military shows in like Kosovo, Serbia, Afghanistan, even in Japan, like sometimes you would go to the gate. The front gate would be civilians. So it's a military base that civilians are guarding. And I'm like, Who are these guys? Oh, brown and root? Oh, they're brown and root. Ok, you go to the mess hall. You know, I'm a civilian, but you know, I'm staying on base doing shows, whatever. Go to the mess hall. Now it's not soldiers feeding you, it's brown and root o brown and root. And then you realize brown And root is There is some division of Halliburton. So now you're going to just military base. And like the guys at the front who are checking you in are civilians that work for, in essence, Halliburton, the food. All the buildings have been built by Halliburton. Now, you know, the oil lines, everything, and that all has a link to Cheney. So I don't know if Cheney like calls it like to the nth degree. This is what we need to do. Or if he just said, just get it done. You know, maybe he did that to have some separation.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:21:47] Did he bring down the building?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:21:48] Someone, I believe, and I don't want to get in too much trouble, but I think someone at his bequest, whether he knew the details or not, I'm going to maybe say he didn't know the details. Maybe he said, just do it and they did that. And he was like, Why the fuck did you do? But like, who made the most money because of 9-11? And it would be, you Know, him and his friends.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:22:07] So was it a was it the explosives or was it the plane?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:22:11] Oh, in terms of it being an inside job, I would say, yeah, I would say explosives only because I think the planes could have made that building go down, but it would have taken a little more time, I think, and I think how quick and succinct it happened. And and if that documentary, we watched you had news people in England reporting that Building seven had collapsed before it collapsed. So. So I think in terms of inside job, I would say yes. In terms of explosives, I would say yes, but I wouldn't say that that Cheney knew of those details. I just think he said, let it happen now. Maybe it could be a dual thing where the terrorists they knew about the terrorist plot and then also added the explosives because like, all right, separately, this thing is going to happen will benefit from it. But we do need the buildings to fall.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:22:55] So I'm just going to say that when you had your glasses on, I believed you look, he looks a little bit more like a college professor. So when you stopped having it on, it felt like it wasn't. But one thing I want to say about building seven and about that the BBC report or was a BBC, I think.

Jennifer Field: [00:23:11] Yeah it was,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:23:12] One of the things that I think that a lot of conspiracists jumped to is in this case and also in shootings, people report wrong information and people jump on that. That's an example of how it was. It wasn't real. So in crisis shooting, there's always like, Oh, there's four shooters, and then there's like a one shooter.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:23:27] Oh, we understand, but just say a building collapse that hasn't collapsed yet, and then it collapsed. And Larry, I think his name is Silberstein. I know he maybe he didn't mean that. Maybe he was referring to just pull out the firefighters that he did say, pull it. He kept saying, pull it and say, Pull them. 

Jennifer Field: [00:23:42] Right.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:23:42] Why would you say pull it?

Jennifer Field: [00:23:44] Yeah, you say, pull them right, right? I know I was trying to analyze that. Like, what is he talking about? The firefighters, like the rescue workers Or. 

Dwyane Perkins: [00:23:51] But he did say, we talked to I talked to the firefighters. I said, pull it. So he may he may have meant just pull everyone out of the building because structurally the building, but that building. Think about that building, it collapsed. It wasn't hit. I get it, but it collapsed like later. You know what I mean? So it's hard to say, but I do think that there's enough there that you just can't feel like we know everything.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:24:11] All right. Well, let me tell you mine. I have two one's funny and one serious. Which one do you guys Want to hear first?

Jennifer Field: [00:24:16] Funny since We just heard a serious

Dwyane Perkins: [00:24:17] Ok. Yeah,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:24:18] That's good. Similar to my D.B. Cooper story, this I guess there's going to be running theme was that there's a time travel.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:24:25] Oh, wow. Company in the future.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:24:29] And part of that trip is to be able to fly a plane into a building. And so that's what they do every single time is they just they always land, they always become that the high one of the hijackers or one of the people flying in and they crashed it. And then and then they disappear and go back in time.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:24:42] So right before the plane Hits, They. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:24:46] They jump out of their body and go back to the Future.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:24:49] Interesting. So they're in the hijacker's body?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:24:52] Yes. And this whoever is flying? Yeah, this is for fun. This is like people who want to experience that.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:24:58] This is not only time travel, this is also like body. You know, you're taking someone's body. Like, I don't know if even called, but possessing possessing someone's body.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:07] Ok, so all right. That was too quick. But let me tell you my real one, one of the problems I have with all conspiracies is just the number of people that would have to be involved to pull something off. As we know that whenever you have more than one person involved in anything, it's going to get out there. I mean, this is one of the reasons I told my son all the time. If you're going to commit a crime, do it by yourself. The moment there's two people, there's another person I'm Going to talk.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:25:27] Some crimes aren't One person Crimes, though.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:29] Yeah, that's a problem.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:25:30] Yeah, most, most crimes aren't 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:31] One of the advice I give my son to about crime is that always be the person with less to lose because if you have less to lose, you can make a deal.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:25:38] Right

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:39] Anyway, in regard to in regard to this, the way I look At it is that in all conspiracies in general is that people always want to believe that there's a bigger cause for things than there really was. We like to blame a person, an individual, a company, a party, whatever. We want to blame somebody. It's easier to blame somebody than just to be just to say things like it just happened. Bad things happened.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:26:01] Right, right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:26:01] When I look at nine eleven in its totality, I look at a lot of situations where people just weren't. People weren't prepared. Nobody had ever thought that this could happen.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:26:09] And I like what that you said that because at the end of the day, the thing that's the most likely thing is probably the thing that happened.

Jennifer Field: [00:26:16] Mm hmm.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:26:17] But just based on how much capital was gained from this in terms of starting two wars, the Patriot Act, I mean, there's just too much gained from it. Add credence to what you're saying is it's almost like with this whole Covid thing. People are saying they're putting this thing in the in 

Jennifer Field: [00:26:34] Micro chips in the vaccine.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:26:35] But it's like they could have got that in some other way. They could have put it in burgers. We all. You know what I mean? They could have put it in the regular flu shot. They could have put it in.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:26:44] They already have it in our phones

Dwyane Perkins: [00:26:46] Right?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:26:47] So if Cheney, even though I know Cheney, seemed to benefit greatly from it, he probably could have done all those things he did. He could have started those two wars. He could have privatized the military without 9/11.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:26:59] I think it's Called disaster capitalism, where people are able to make money from disasters like after Katrina, a ton of people made money. After 9/11, a ton of people made money,

Dwyane Perkins: [00:27:09] Covid

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:27:09] Yeah, COVID people made money. That's just part of the game, I think. And I don't think he needed to start 9/11 in order for him to have made a ton of money. I mean, they wanted to go to war with Iraq. I think if it wasn't 9/11, it would have been something else. Afghanistan part was a different story. I don't think no one ever wanted to go in Afghanistan, but I think after 9/11, you're like, you have to go to the one country that like, not attacked us, but was the base of the place that attacked. Jennifer, what is your theory?

Jennifer Field: [00:27:34] I love this Episode, guys, because I've always wondered really what went on, and there's just so many facets to all the different theories on both sides. You know, the official theory of what the official story and then all the conspiracy theories. So it's super fun. I do think that there's some holes and some interesting parts to it all. And I'm not quite sure what really went down. I think personally, I always thought my general intuition and decision was that they knew that it was going to happen. Our government knew that it was happening like that day or they knew and they let it happen. I think that's the that's the idea. So whether they're not so much behind it, but they let it happen because they saw the advantages that would come. So anyway, so Here's my theory is that I'm just A little inspired by all of our episodes over these many months. And I believe that what happened was that the Nordic aliens were behind this because like, you know, they have all kinds of capabilities, right? We can get really creative. They could have telepathy. They can, yeah, body swap and possess your body. And like, I think that they they want to take over they or they want us, they want to see us Earth civilization as we know it, you know, sort of crumble so that they can take, I don't know, take Earth for their own keeping. And so this was part of the decline of civilization as we know it. This is contributing to, like you mentioned earlier, because this conspiracy theory in this incident, there's so much to it. It's just there's a lot of questions unanswered that from there on, it probably made conspiracy theories all that more powerful and with social media, of course, in the algorithm with how you view things online. This was the beginning of the end. I do believe that people lost their lives. I do believe that the planes crashed and into the buildings. It's possible that the Nordic aliens hypnotize the suicide bomber guys that were navigating the planes. And that's my theory

Dwyane Perkins: [00:29:34] That would explain some of the terrorists going to like strip clubs and things like that. that was alien

Jennifer Field: [00:29:40] To what happened with strip clubs. Some of them went to strip Clubs like,

Jennifer Field: [00:29:43] Yeah, like when they were learning to fly in Florida. Something.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:29:48] Well, I'm going. I'm going to disagree with you a bit. I don't think it would be the Nordics. I think it would be the grays. The Nordics are usually seen as like benevolent or how do you say that benevolent?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:29:57] But but that's you playing into that narrative because a way you. Making the Asian aliens the yeah,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:30:05] The Asian ones are the ones that are the bad ones. So the Nordics, they wanted to cause it, so they caused chaos.

Jennifer Field: [00:30:13] Yeah, they wanted to cause chaos and make us hate each other and kill each other. And basically, it created war. I don't believe that the Nordics can predict the future. I just know that they have. They do have like a lot of powers, but I didn't. I think they were hoping that it would cause nuclear war or something. But I know that it created a lot of hatred, strife. And, you know, I believe that the left versus the right and racism and all that is like it just feels like it's not going anywhere is getting worse. Or if not, it's staying. It's sticking around.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:30:46] Did they get Donald Trump elected to?

Jennifer Field: [00:30:48] It's possible.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:30:49] Ok, it's possible. I think we're at the point where we should pick a pick. The idea? I pick Jennifers personally because I just think I like Nordics or aliens or aliens, and I think they should be the ones that,

Dwyane Perkins: [00:30:58] Yeah, I like that one. I like the Time Travel one, too, but I think we're we're going to be picking them on every episode. I.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:31:06] And every episode in Bigfoot, it's going to be the Titanic.

Jennifer Field: [00:31:10] I love the time travel. I hope there's a time travel ride in the future that you can just like, relive stuff that sounds awesome. That sounds more awesome than, like the space tourism stuff.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:31:20] Yeah, I'd rather go back in time and do crazy things,

Dwyane Perkins: [00:31:22] But you can't. But the thing is,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:31:24] You can affect it.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:31:25] You can't change anything. And that's the thing.

Jennifer Field: [00:31:27] Yeah, yeah. I don't know how they make that. Make sure that there must be a way. Well, you know, I honestly, I pitched this theory because I knew you guys would like it. So.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:31:35] No, you were right, you're right, it's great, I like that one, too, I think that one doesn't get us put on any kind of list.

Jennifer Field: [00:31:41] Totally. Yeah, totally. It's a safe bet. Yeah. And that is the official story. All right. We're going to take another break, and when we return, we will create our own 9/11 conspiracy.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:31:53] If we have an idea about what really happened or want to discuss the topic, please visit us at unofficial official story dot com and let us know who knows if we like it, we might just ask you to come on the show with us.

Jennifer Field: [00:32:06] Ok, so this month we're going to try something new. We're going to each come up with our very own 911 conspiracy and then see which one we like the best.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:32:14] Ok, I'll go first. My 9/11 conspiracy is that nothing ever happened that day. It's like the moon landing that the whole thing was a fake. The buildings were fake. The planes falling

Dwyane Perkins: [00:32:23] Were fake buildings. You mean, since they were built in nineteen seventy one, they didn't exist

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:32:28] Or they didn't exist. None of it existed. It was all the soundstage.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:32:31] I've been in that building before.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:32:33] No, no, no. You thought you'd been in that building before? You thought you'd been building before?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:32:37] Right

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:32:38] Ok, so nothing and never none of it ever existed. It was all virtual reality or fake. So there was like here in Culver City, at the Sony Studios, there was a there was a backlot where they built the skyline that made us believe that there was these world trade centers. And then on that same lot, they had these fake planes allegedly crashing into the buildings, but none of it existed. All those passengers were fake, all the people that supposedly died are fake, all the interviews that we saw of the people as they were running away from the building, right? Crisis actors. So.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:33:09] So this is I'm so confused because you're the same person. That said, it's hard to keep these kind of secrets.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:33:17] We're creating our own conspiracy.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:33:19] It is literally thousands of people in on this. I like that. I like it.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:33:23] Would you have a conspiracy, Dwayne?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:33:24] Well, you know, I just a few things. One, I was thinking that Jennifer's was dope about that is that if the Nordics did it, then it's like a movie to them. You know what I mean? So it's like, you know how we watch The Real Housewives of Orange County or whatever, like, they're watching the real lives of Earthlings. And then they just sort of producers of that show did this just to make, you know, this planet Earth show more interesting because I like that just to add that as an addendum to yours. I guess if I'm making up a brand new one, I would say there was some director, maybe the same guy that directed kids can't think of it right now because he's way out.

Jennifer Field: [00:33:59] Larry Clark. 

Dwyane Perkins: [00:34:00] Is that who direct the kids?

Jennifer Field: [00:34:02] Yeah.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:34:02] Did he also direct that one that was banned, which was something about the title was very Eastern Bloc ish. But anyway, who directed a summer girl summer vacation or summer? Spring Breakers? Who directed them?

Jennifer Field: [00:34:17] Oh, Harmony Korine.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:34:18] So I'm thinking of that guy.

Jennifer Field: [00:34:19] Yeah, OK, yeah, he wrote. Kids, yeah,

Dwyane Perkins: [00:34:21] They're you go, you're so good with that. So yeah,

Jennifer Field: [00:34:23] They're my faves. That's why. Ok.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:34:26] But that guy has another movie that I could barely watch. To be Honest with you.

Jennifer Field: [00:34:29] Which One? 

Dwyane Perkins: [00:34:30] I don't know a father.

Jennifer Field: [00:34:32] Trash humpers?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:34:32] No, I'll just say this. It was banned. My buddy had a copy of it, but a dad tries to go down on a son and I was like, No,

Jennifer Field: [00:34:40] Wait, Which moive is this one?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:34:42] I'm like, No, I'm sorry. Can I deal with this? I know he's a very talented guy, but. So he's directing a movie. You know, he just wants everything to be real. He wants that real reaction and he doesn't get permits or anything. And he just hires these guys to hijack a plane. He's got cameras set up and everything, and he tells him flying into these buildings. But then after the fallout is so crazy, he just like, doesn't tell anybody he did it.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:35:07] Ok, so this is Like similar to mine that it's not what we thought it was, but it was faked, but real. I mean, it was real because

Dwyane Perkins: [00:35:15] It just just this guy happened to stand the implications somehow and didn't understand the implications were going to be this dire in this crazy and the blowback. So there's an unfinished movie with this scene that he was going to insert.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:35:29] This is the director that did kids or I mean, or spring breakers. 

Dwyane Perkins: [00:35:32] Yeah, yeah.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:35:33] That guy, specifically? 

Dwyane Perkins: [00:35:35] Someone like him,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:35:36] Someone like him, we can't name him specifically, but someone like him, OK, wow, this is great conspiracy. Jennifer, do you have a conspiracy you want to share?

Jennifer Field: [00:35:44] It was maybe all just like a mind control. We were all just kind of like the movie thing. We just it didn't actually happen. It's all just in our heads

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:35:54] Also wasn't even inside a conspiracy about, like the government doing it. It's not a director doing it. It's literally. 

Jennifer Field: [00:36:00] We've all been brainwashed by maybe the aliens. None of it even happened. Like, even if you know the footage, it's all like a microchip planted in our brain. Even so,

Dwyane Perkins: [00:36:12] Like the matrix kind of thing.

Jennifer Field: [00:36:13] Yeah, like a matrix thing. So I guess if you go to the site where the tower memorial thing is, that's in our brain on two and we all are just it's a hologram. I don't know.

Jennifer Field: [00:36:23] So are we are we all three right here right now? We're we're just in a pod somewhere.

Jennifer Field: [00:36:29] Maybe nine eleven was the day when it all became just the matrix.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:36:33] When it became fake, everything became fake from that moment on. 

Jennifer Field: [00:36:36] From that moment on,

Dwyane Perkins: [00:36:38] Yeah, I never came upstairs from that bike ride.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:36:40] Yeah, I never woke up that day.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:36:45] Right, right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:36:46] We've just been to sleep. This is that's powerful.

Jennifer Field: [00:36:48] It's like it's a Christopher Nolan movie.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:36:50] It would be a Christopher Nolan movie if it happens in reverse as well.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:36:57] And we would not be able to make sense of what's happening, like what the hell is going on?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:37:00] We'd have to watch it four times and then we would think it's great.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:37:05] Because everyone has to tell us it's great, not because it's actually great, but

Jennifer Field: [00:37:08] Interstellar is great though. That's his best in my opinon.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:37:11] Now I like, I think, inception.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:37:13] Yeah, Inception. That's the best one. What I like about your theory is that there is I mean, there's a pre-9/11 world and there's a post-9/11 world, right? I mean, before 9-11, the world was very different. You know, it's like we talked about the army thing before,

Dwyane Perkins: [00:37:24] But it's like I remember getting to the airport Like Five minutes before I Was. I was just like staying in L.A. I didn't live. I was kind of going to school, so I wouldn't say I live and lived here, but I did catch a flight and this guy, Allen, shout out to Allen, Allen, Charlie like I called them. He lived on, like on my block. I called him. My flight was in a half an hour and I live like ten minutes from the airport and I was like, Hey, man, can you take me to the airport?

Jennifer Field: [00:37:47] Oh my God.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:37:47] And I made the flight like it was like

Jennifer Field: [00:37:49] He even walked you up to the gate, right? He came in and gave you a hug.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:37:53] Yeah, exactly. It was just bananas. How different it was, but how susceptible it was to that, right? Like, no one understanding like this is not safe. You're not checked. They didn't even check people to like, probably like the D.B. Cooper times. They didn't even check out.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:38:09] But not only that, I mean, just the amount of data mining that there's been done. I mean, before that it was it was happening, obviously, but not as much. And it was it was now legal because of the Patriot Act and all that stuff.

Jennifer Field: [00:38:19] Yeah, Patriot Act. Yeah.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:38:20] And I love I love apple's thing now. I don't have an iPhone, but I do have an iPad and I had to update it recently and it's like every single thing I open every single app, a little window pops up. Hey, this this app is tracking you even when you do another stuff,

Jennifer Field: [00:38:34] Really?

Dwyane Perkins: [00:38:35] And then the two options are one options allow it. Just let them keep tracking you. Even when the app is not open or ask the app to stop tracking, you ask them.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:38:44] Yeah, and they probably still are.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:38:45] Not that They won't. Not that they'll listen. But hey, can you guys stop tracking me? No. So we can keep tracking. Ok. Just thought I'd ask. It's not like, stop being tracked. It's ask the app. It's really weird.

Jennifer Field: [00:38:55] That's so weird.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:38:56] Can I ask you? So what do you have an idea why this happened? Why did this happen?

Jennifer Field: [00:39:00] It's the aliens. They want to take over. They want our resources. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:39:07] Why don't they just kill us.

Jennifer Field: [00:39:08] Because this is fun. This is a movie for them

Dwyane Perkins: [00:39:12] We entertain them

Jennifer Field: [00:39:13] Fun to watch, like a little science experiment.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:39:15] You know, it's weird like it is. It would be a great matrix moment point where like life became a virtual reality thing. Like,

Jennifer Field: [00:39:23] Yeah,

Dwyane Perkins: [00:39:24] That's that's a great thing. And I have this joke. I kind of skip this part. Sometimes because people, sometimes it kills. Sometimes people don't know how to react, but it's about getting punched in the throat. And I just say, you know, when you get punched in the throat, it's like your own personal 9/11, and sometimes people laugh right away. Sometimes people, sometimes people are like, they don't laugh, but they're like, OK, we'll hear you out more. But I go, Yeah, because when you get punched in the throat, you'll never forgive the person who did it, and you'll never forget where you were when you got punched in the throat. And so, you know, like Nine Eleven is our Pearl Harbor, and I was trying to make that a personal thing, like actually a personal 9/11 when you get punched in the throat. But it was such a change and the fact that there are people who are 20 years old now who are almost adults and didn't weren't around. They don't understand how. Just like we don't understand Pearl Harbor, even if it even Kennedy the Kennedy assassination, like we don't understand. The next day, there was a different world, or at least a different America. So, yeah, maybe that was the day that we all got plugged in.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:40:22] I wonder if every time there is these big events, we just get a different plug.

Jennifer Field: [00:40:25] Oh,

Dwyane Perkins: [00:40:25] Right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:40:26] It's like a reset. Like so. Forty one with Pearl Harbor and sixty three, I think, was Kennedy.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:40:32] And that could that could be the case.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:40:34] 2001 was another one. And. 

Jennifer Field: [00:40:35] Oh my god.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:40:36] So maybe we were due for another reset.

Jennifer Field: [00:40:38] Scary.

Jennifer Field: [00:40:40] Which new 9/11 conspiracy did you guys like best? If you have one of your own, be sure to send them to us and thank you all so much for listening. There are a million podcasts literally out there, and we're so honored you've chosen to listen to ours.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:40:55] Absolutely. And please check out our website. Unofficial official Salary.com for our show notes or to hear past Episodes. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:41:02] And be sure to come back next month for our Halloween episode, where we'll be answering the question Does the Capitol building in D.C. have a demon cat problem? Yes.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:41:12] What? I don't know about this one at all.

Jennifer Field: [00:41:14] I mean, it's random.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:41:15] It's going to be super exciting. All right, guys. Bye.

Jennifer Field: [00:41:18] Bye bye.

Dwyane Perkins: [00:41:19] Bye bye.


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