S2E11 Did the Clintons Kill Kobe?
In episode 11 of season 2 the Unofficial Official Story team to answer the question: Did the Clintons have NBA basketball star Kobe Bryant killed? In this episode, they discuss some of the other people the Clintons' allegedly assassinated, whom they'd...
In episode 11 of season 2 the Unofficial Official Story team to answer the question: Did the Clintons have NBA basketball star Kobe Bryant killed? In this episode, they discuss some of the other people the Clintons' allegedly assassinated, whom they'd like the Clintons to kill, and share their theories explaining OR refuting the conspiracy.
Please excuse the bad audio, we blame the fact that Koji’s house was being tented for termites and other little bugs.
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What are "they" not telling us? We'll find out, figure out, and, when all else fails, make up the missing pieces to some of the most scandalous conspiracies, unexplained phenomena, and true crime affecting our world today. Join comedian Dwayne Perkins, writer Koji Steven Sakai, and comedian/actor/writer Cat Alvarado on The Unofficial Official Story Podcast every month, and by the end of each episode, we'll tell you what's really...maybe...happening.
The intro and outro song was created by Brian "Deep" Watters. You can hear his music at https://soundcloud.com/deepwatters.
Hosts: Cat Alvarado, Dwayne Perkins, and Koji Steven Sakai
Written by Koji Steven Sakai
Edited and Produced by Koji Steven Sakai
Jennifer Field: [00:00:06] Hey, what's up, everyone? Welcome, welcome, welcome. This is season two, episode 11 of the Unofficial Official Story. I'm your host, Jennifer. And I don't know, I'm kind of in my head today because I went to a mixer like event last night for Lunar New Year. People say I'm extroverted. I actually have a little bit of social anxiety, I guess. So then I'm all like overanalyzing all my interactions from last night. So.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:00:30] I'm Dwyane and I'm also in Jennifer's head. No, I'm. I'm doing great. Yeah. It's good to see my old friend Tess here, so I'm in a I'm really. I'm in a good space. And I'm not thinking about my interactions from last night because they were all drunk and I was sober.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:00:44] And I'm Koji and I'm outside of my head.
Jennifer Field: [00:00:47] We're going to look at paranormal conspiracies, unexplained phenomena, cryptids true crime. And by the end of this episode, we're going to tell you what really maybe happened. Guys, this is the very last episode of season two. Ah.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:01:03] Yay. I mean, Boo
Dwayne Perkins: [00:01:05] Oh my gosh.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:01:07] Is it a yay or a boo? I'm not sure.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:01:09] It's a yay, right? Because you made it. You made it. And it's a boo because people want more, but it's a yay again because there's a season three.
Jennifer Field: [00:01:17] I just can't believe that it's been two years we've been doing this.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:01:20] That's crazy.
Jennifer Field: [00:01:21] All right, so this episode, this one's a weird one because I've always been I'm a Democrat, I'm a bleeding heart liberal. You know, I like the Clintons, I think. But we're going to ask the question, did the Clintons have NBA basketball star Kobe Bryant killed? Oh, my gosh. But first, we're going to introduce our guest writer Tess Rafferty. What up Tess?
Tess Rafferty: [00:01:45] Hey, thank you guys for having me on.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:01:47] Tess She's a very funny writer and stand up comic, and she actually, I want to Tess you on this episode because from her Facebook post, I know that she's a supporter of Hillary Clinton, and so I thought it would be great to get that perspective on all things Hillary, all things Clintons. And Tess is an author. She has a my favorite type of book, which I didn't realize that to recently are like sort of murder mystery kind of things. And Tess, tell us the name of your book.
Tess Rafferty: [00:02:15] Well, my most recent book is called To Lie in the Sun. I know that we're audio only, but you guys can only see a copy of the book. It's the fourth book in a murder mystery series I've been writing for the last couple of years based on the heroine, Kat Kelly. So they're very funny, tongue in cheek mysteries, and they all take place in Italy.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:02:34] Very nice.
Tess Rafferty: [00:02:35] Highly autobiographical up until the point where someone Dies.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:02:38] Right? Right. I think most of these the I haven't read your book yet, but these type of books, you can kind of jump in on any book. Is it sort of like that as well?
Tess Rafferty: [00:02:46] Absolutely. Can jump in on any book and still follow along. I have crippling at times OCD and I'm very much a completionist, so I have to go back to the beginning of almost anything. I start and start with book one for me, but other people aren't wired like that. They have happier lives And They can probably leave the house without checking the oven four times.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:03:08] How did you become a writer?
Tess Rafferty: [00:03:09] I traced my earliest origins to being a writer, to hating church, because when I would, I would go. When I would go to church once a week, I would be sitting there just trying to distract myself with anything. So I would tell myself stories and make things up in my head. And then I went on to I was I did a lot of acting in grade school, in high school and stuff. So I went on to study, acting in college, and I was just really disappointed with the roles for women. I thought they were just all kind of boiled down to basically someone's mother whore maid or wife, you know? I felt like I can do better. Nobody's really telling my story. Nobody's really talking about things that affect me or how I look at the world. So I started doing playwriting and stand up comedy, which is how I met Dwayne, because stand up comedy at least gave me more of a voice. Not that many people in the standup world wanted to necessarily hear or promote that voice, but but at least gave me a chance to to have my own voice and my own perspective. And then that just kind of went into writing for late night writing scripts and then writing writing books because I enjoyed that medium as well.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:04:16] Awesome. And you know, one of the reasons, like Dwayne said, we brought you on because your your political. Tell me about your political awakening. Was there a moment or was it over the course of a longer Time or,
Tess Rafferty: [00:04:26] You know, politics was always in my life, for better or for worse. My grandfather had been the head of the Democratic Party in the state of Delaware for a number of years, including when President Biden first got elected to the Senate. So it was always we, at least for my family at large, we were always Democrats. There was always arguing about politics over Saturday night dinner, people getting heated. Eventually, some of us peeled off and became Republicans, I don't endorse that. But but they did. So I think it was always in my life and I think I was always as a kid, I was just always wired with a real sense of fairness, not to bring things back to religion again. But it is a great place if you're going to have a political awakening. There's a lot of things to rebel against in that. And I remember feeling like, you know, how come men get to be priests but women only get to be nuns? That doesn't seem fair to me. And and so I think just from a very early age, I was very in tune to the ways in which I, as a woman, was not being serviced by the world around me. And that that was unfair.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:05:29] And I'm sure you've come across this as a comedian. It comes up an our like almost every comedian has that in their history. Just this idea of fair or just seeing things that other people didn't see or haven't or are not seeing and wanting to bring that to the light. And it's interesting because when you're a kid, some kids have this thing where their their awareness far surpasses what they can do about it. You know, at that at that moment in their life. And then it's just wait until wait until. And that's why you get the mic. You get the pen. You get that sort of platform. And but it comes at a time when you get it, you work hard for it. I mean, we've known each other over well over two decades, and then you're a decade in or two decades in and you know, you're putting your money where your mouth is, whatever your platform is. And then someone flips a switch and now everyone has a platform that they didn't have to work for, and they don't have to sort of like do anything to sustain or or prove that right or wrong. It's just a really crazy place.
Jennifer Field: [00:06:34] All right. What do you guys say? Should we get the story straight once and for all?
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:06:38] Let's do it.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:06:39] Let's. Let's dive in. All right. So if online conspiracists are to be believed, Bill and Hillary Clinton are two of the most nefarious American politicians in our country's history. According to these people, they have allegedly murdered their friend, Vince Foster, celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Queen Elizabeth, the second and many, many, many more. I mean, far too many for us to list here. Up to 50, I think.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:07:11] Why would he murder the former Japanese prime minister? Why would they? I mean, what's the point of that?
Dwayne Perkins: [00:07:17] The why is important? But there's also the how. The how is just as important. Yeah, it's really it's really, really crazy. Like, how could you be that guilty and that Teflon at the same time?
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:07:29] Former President Trump. Can we say that about him? Guilty and Teflon?
Dwayne Perkins: [00:07:33] Yes, in a sense. In a sense. But it's sort of like the things I think that he's known to have done are like things that that are like in the realm of what he could do. Right. Like maybe he fudged something here. He didn't pay some guy there, like for the Clintons to be able to kill the prime minister of Japan. That's power. That's yeah, that's power beyond power to two people who aren't born into money. I think it's almost impossible unless you are really good at research to know truth from non-truth in this day and age. But common sense we all still have that.
Tess Rafferty: [00:08:06] I think we're all just so dissatisfied with reality, right? Because the reality of anything is yeah, it sucks. It's, it's nothing's easy. There's a lot of hard work that generally goes into everything. Change is possible, but you're going to have to work for it, right? Yeah. You can get your candidate in office. It requires that you that it requires, first of all, that you vote, which is a staggering is a lot of people don't even want to do that. But then it's going to require that you actually get off your ass and maybe canvas or donate some money or hold a fundraiser or phone bank or text bank or whatever. Change is possible in our legislation, but nobody wants to hear that. Like it's going to have to grind through years of of lawmaking and stuff, and you're going to have to get a coalition on your side. And that takes no one wants to hear the reality of everything. And what I think how I think that translates to what you're saying and sorry, I know that's a long way to make the point is that people, I think, are so dissatisfied with reality that they'd rather be believe something fantastical. Right. That somehow two people who, by the way, have have lifetime Secret Service supervision. Right. Lifetime, secret super. The Clintons have Secret Service. They've got a staff of people. They've got phones that are probably being monitored to some extent or whatever it is, security protocol set up in place that somehow they're what, texting hitmen in Japan while while you know that somehow how are they setting this up? Are they doing a dead drop? Like what is the thing they'd rather believe that somehow than like, I don't know, maybe people just don't like her because she's a capable woman and so they make this shit up, you know, Look the most It's Ockham's Razor, and nobody wants to believe that. Instead, they're like, No, she killed Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Why would she kill RBG? She's on our side, all that kind of stuff about. But I think we're. So sad. Dissatisfied with reality.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:10:07] It almost feels like. Like it's a custody battle. And somehow Hillary herself is one parent and then all the Republicans are the other parent. And whenever we go to their house, they just shit on mom, you know what I mean? So.
Tess Rafferty: [00:10:25] Well. I always said when she was running against Bernie, it was it was very much divorced parents. He was like the dad who was like, I'm going to give you a car. And she's like, You get back to her house and she's be like, How are you going to pay for this car? Like, whatever, whatever it was, it was like, okay, but let me tell you, if you need a car, you're going to need a license and you're going to need to get it insured. And that's going to be an extra expense. And people are like, No, I just want the car. And you're like, okay, that's so I do feel like there is that sort of custody arrangement going on where people are seeing her as the mom, the rebelling against.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:10:59] Right, right.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:00] I'm reading a book about conspiracies. And they did a study where if I talk about a conspiracy and then the next thing you hear is about a conspiracy, you're more likely to believe the conspiracy. And so in this book, it was really interesting because they talked about how possibly one of one of the reasons why America became a lot more conspiracy minded after this was this TV show called X-Files. Right? X-files was a big show in the nineties that I loved. But that whole thing was about a conspiracy, a giant government conspiracy. And all these people are working against everything. And they basically threw every conspiracy on the wall. Obviously, I love the show, so don't get me wrong.
Tess Rafferty: [00:11:30] Me too.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:31] A lot of people watch that show and apparently some some researchers and some writers believe that that one of the reasons we became so conspiracy minded after 9/11 and after it grew after 9/11 was that people watch this show every week and they believed it. And they believe that there is a government cabal of people who are doing a lot of crazy things like killing the Japanese prime minister, former Japanese prime minister.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:11:55] But here's the thing. Even if that if that existed, even though Bill was president, they wouldn't be privy they're not of that ilk. You know, like it would be the same people who killed MLK, Malcolm X, Kennedy. When Eisenhower talked about the the military industrial complex, it would be those people and those people haven't changed. And so it's so weird to now project all that onto like these two people from Arkansas who overachieved like crazy. It's the weirdest thing. And one other thing, like I write for a game show and it's amazing how just writing a trivia question for a game show, the level of scrutiny you have to have yourself, the amount of research that takes is greater than what people post about real political issues. You know, like I tried to write a question about Netflix because the whole urban myth was that the creator of Netflix had it had a blockbuster account, he had late fee, he was pissed off, went home and created Netflix. Great story completely false. So I couldn't write a story about it even though people think it's true. But you do two internet searches and you realize it's not true. It's that easy.
Jennifer Field: [00:13:01] But today we're discussing whether or not the Clintons had a hand in Los Angeles Lakers basketball star Kobe Bryant's tragic passing.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:13:09] And why would the Clintons want Kobe Bryant killed? Kobe allegedly tweeted, I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton the day before his helicopter crash. Of course, he never actually tweeted that. But let's just say for the sake of the show that he that he did. So what did Kobe have on the Clintons, allegedly?
Dwayne Perkins: [00:13:27] Well, here's what he had. According to Bishop Larry Gaiters, I'm saying his name right. We'll put a link on this to one of his interviews in our show notes. He claims that Kobe Bryant was invited by the Aspen Institute of Colorado in December of 2013 to take part in the January 2014 Clinton Global Initiative. There's a lot it is alleged that Kobe somehow found out that the Clintons were embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars that were earmarked for Haiti earthquake fund and instead kept it for themselves. Kobe was willing to disclose this information even if it meant he had to go into witness protection to do so. Kobe Bryant and witness protection, six foot six. Kobe Bryant. Hey, fella. What's your name, who me? My name is Jeff. I'm here from. I work on the farm. Oh, Jeff, you're pretty tall for Farmer. Anyway.
Tess Rafferty: [00:14:24] Like, the idea that, like, he's, like Scooby and the ganging it at this Colorado, like, conference who is peering behind doors. Like, he happened to walk into a room. He was asleep on the couch. Maybe someone walked in and told them all about this conspiracy. Like he overheard it somehow and then woke up like, I don't know, like, what's the. How did he just happen to stumble across the evidence?
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:14:46] Well, the same skills that made him a great basketball player are also this great same skills that made him a great investigator.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:14:53] I'm picturing one of those cameras that you just you push in to take the pictures, you know, the little cameras that are like this big in the movies. And I always hate those cameras because I'm like, how do you even know it's in focus?
Tess Rafferty: [00:15:04] Like he's. He's James Bond.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:07] Also, I think if they were really embezzling, you know, the Clintons were embezzling millions, hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm pretty sure that's that's going to come out pretty easily. It's that kind of money trail is pretty is pretty big.
Jennifer Field: [00:15:20] That's a lot of money.
Tess Rafferty: [00:15:20] With everybody up their asses for three decades that, like hard evidence, wouldn't come out, get about this. You know, that it was up to Kobe to uncover the crime. Like that's you know, it's not like people aren't looking at their every move or something. It's not like there's not people investigating these types of things.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:40] Former President Trump was the biggest grifter in the world. I mean, he'd sell, he was selling, he'd sell anything. He was taking anything. I mean, how much did the Secret Service pay for hotel rooms? You know, if anybody was grifting, it was it was the former president.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:15:55] Well, I'm glad you said that, too, because this story is so ridiculous. You have to it forces you to look at the other things. Right. Like Whitewater, all these other things, because it's like, why would people believe this? And then is a situation of where there's smoke, there's fire. But let's say that there's some level of grifting or political using your own political advantage, right? That that that has been done by the Clintons. It doesn't match. It's all drops in a bucket compared to like, say, being the former leader of Halliburton, then starting a war that that causes trillions of dollars to go directly into Halliburton. Like that's I don't and that's saying that that is a scandal. But the conflict of interest is more glaring and somehow that that doesn't get spoken about. And then when they do mention these so called things, it's it's always like a few hundred K, it's always some silly amount in terms of that, in terms of the bigger picture, some silly amount. It's more money than I have.
Tess Rafferty: [00:16:55] I think that there's such I mean there's just such a double standard. And what's sad is that it truly doesn't matter and it and it goes back to what you were saying Dwayne about just people just not just like don't even have the common sense. They just want to buy into the story that they that they want to believe. And it's the way that the other side is. You know, drag queens or drag queens are pedophiles. Everybody's a pedophile. Everybody's got a child sex ring, right? Everybody's a pervert or we can't expose our kids to any of don't say gay. And meanwhile, they're the people actually molesting people. They're the people actually trafficking people and acting like it's no big deal. They're the ones who had the oh, God, where was it? It was where Doug Jones was it Alabama, where Doug Jones won the election because he beat the pedophile, but just barely because the Republican Party was still, like going, no, he's our you know, he's our guy. And, you know, the thing with Matt Gates thing with Jim Jordan, it's like, that's all fine. So it's like, how do you I don't even know how you combat when you go. This is actually proven to have happened. And not only are you okay with it, but you're criticizing other people who haven't done it of doing the same thing. It's just such a weird dissonance.
Jennifer Field: [00:18:07] What evidence is there of any of this? So we found the best evidence in a now deleted Twitter account. Education 4 Libs. It should be noted that since the account was deleted, we can't provide a link, so we're going to instead provide a link to the Reddit page where someone took a screenshot of this tweet. Educating liberals at education 4 Libs says Kobe's crash No black box, Different colored helicopter. In quotes, survivors perished. A cartoon predicted his death had ties with the Clintons and Epstein. Google labeled him assassinated. Death happened one day before Trump's impeachment trial Defense Things that make you go, hmm. This is the tweet goes on. These are legitimate observations. And the fact that so many people can't handle them without being butthurt is downright pathetic. Question everything. Yeah. Never mind the fact that helicopters don't have black boxes, guys, and that former President Trump's impeachment defense was actually one day after Kobe's tragic passing.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:19:14] What was Hillary's response when she was asked about Kobe's death? According to a TMZ article we found, she called Kobe's death an incredible loss in every way. Could this be her way of covering up her crime?
Tess Rafferty: [00:19:28] I just want to say that it's what what's particularly shameless and egregious about this is that there are people here grieving, Right? There's his family grieving him and have lost a young daughter. There are people, other people on that helicopter who also died, whose families grieve them and who are they were also taken too soon. And then so just for that, for people to just make a mockery of it, it's just, you know, with what with the most outrageous conspiracy theory. I mean, I know, you know, it's like forget what it's saying about the Clintons, which is bad enough. But it's like, just what about the families who are left?
Jennifer Field: [00:20:07] What do you guys think? Did she have Kobe killed to keep quiet? When we return, we're going to put our minds together and figure out what really maybe happened.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:19] Dwayne, we have a new audiobook.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:20:20] Yes, we do. It's called Zombie Run.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:23] And Zombie Run is a fun book. It's about a post-apocalyptic world where zombies return to their normal lives and the 1% of humans that survive have to pretend to be zombies in order not to be eaten.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:20:33] Yes, Zombie man is available on Audible today. If you like it, be sure to write a review.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:38] We'll post a link to the book.
Jennifer Field: [00:20:42] Now that we've discussed the facts, let's give our theories the best part of the show.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:20:47] Now, the one thing I will say about this theory, I apologize to Tess in advance. It doesn't put the Clintons in the best light. But it it helps sort of like the implications for humanity and for mankind, I think are a little bit better with my theory. So my theory is this and this is what I on some level, I hope this is true. And that is throughout the course of history, since they've been in the public eye since mid to late seventies. Right. Let's say the Clintons were either directly or indirectly involved with one death Of all the many, let's say there's one that they are they have some culpability for either they ordered it or they knew about it on whatever level you think they did cause or are directly somehow related to one death, whether they ordered it or not. They feel so guilty about that and maybe so fearful that the truth of that will come out in its totality that they just say they killed everyone else to just muck it up and confuse the whole thing because at least there would be a reason for it. Right? It would be like we knew this guy was going to get murdered in like 79. We didn't do the right thing. We didn't make the right phone calls. We felt horrible about it. So let's just say we had all of this done because it's like when you tell a lie, you have to give a nugget of the truth, right? So that way, if anyone checks, you know were you. I was at work last Friday. They call your work. You were there. Boom. Right. If they check two things that are true, they're not going to check the rest. So this works the reverse. If you check two or three things that are a lie, you won't check the rest. So yeah, my theory at least there's some function to it. Like there's a reason. So that's my theory. It's actually them. Like just confusing Every.
Tess Rafferty: [00:22:32] The version of that story I like is, like, maybe they got a parking ticket, right? And they didn't want it coming out, right? So they're like, Oh, I'd feel horrible. People knew that I accidentally parked for 3 hours in a two-hour spot because I because the Republicans will never let me live that down. So instead, let's just start a rumor on the deal that we've had all these people killed because then no one will even think to look at the parking tickets.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:22:59] Right. That's that's really funny. Like, see, that's a good workshop. We're in the room. That'd be a way to up the funny. That's beautiful. Yeah. So to what end. Yeah. Just to sort of smokescreen it so people don't look at that other thing and I don't, I don't like want that to be the case, but I just do think that it would at least make sense. It's outrageous. Like, and as a comic it's our job to you know we, we recognize patterns. We, we sort of like show them to to the world and to see people sort of make patterns where there are really no patterns other than the pattern of blaming these same two people for everything over and over again.
Tess Rafferty: [00:23:37] That's that's the pattern.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:23:38] It's mind boggling, I guess them and Bill Gates, it goes back and forth between those two people. At least Bill Gates is a billionaire, so he could move the needle if he wanted to.
Tess Rafferty: [00:23:48] I mean, he probably has an evil lair, you know, like that's given if you're a Billionaire,
Dwayne Perkins: [00:23:52] Right? Right, right.
Tess Rafferty: [00:23:53] Yeah.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:23:54] I'm a huge Lakers fan. So this hits home. And obviously, I don't think the Clintons killed all these people. But since we're on the show, we have to come up with our own stories. So this is my story. Hillary Clinton's actually related to Larry Bird of the Boston Celtics. And because of this, she's had this deep-seated hatred of all things Los Angeles Lakers. And who represents the Lakers more than anybody? Kobe Bryant. That's the reason she had him killed. I mean, that's the thing. We just need to we need a motivation. We need a motive. And that's the motive is her being related to Larry and hating the Lakers.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:24:26] Let me ask you this, Koji. Did she also give magic AIDS?
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:24:31] Oh, God, yes. Yes. And the reason the Lakers did so badly last year was also her. So every Laker issue that's ever happened is her. The traded Shaquille O'Neal because of her. Right. It's all her. Everything.
Jennifer Field: [00:24:47] So she did have Kobe killed.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:24:50] Why would she let Magic live and Kareem live and LeBron, I guess because LeBron isn't that they don't they're not good anymore or, you know, and why not have him killed during his playing season, during his career so they could win less?
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:04] It's not for us to ask the questions. But she had been planning this for a while. This is not something that just came out of the blue. I mean, she there's a lot of we don't know this, but there's a ton of assassination attempts, that thing in Colorado. Obviously, the incident in Colorado, that was all Hillary. Right.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:25:20] I'm showing my age here, but I'm just what you're what you're saying? I'm paint is painting a picture of me of like Kobe Bryant as Mr. Magoo. And he's just walking through the world, almost getting killed. And not.
Jennifer Field: [00:25:31] So mine is that there's this sort of like underground organization. We could call it the I Hate I Hate Hillary Club. And it started with some scorned like love lover in a triangle between her and Bill Clinton back in the day when they were young and some girl was scorned because she was in love with Bill Clinton and and Hillary stole his heart. And so she sort of started she would start rumors about Hillary like, you know, little tiny things. And then over time, it kind of ballooned as she moved up in her career and with with Bill Clinton and this other girl always thought she was like, hotter than Hillary. And like Hillary has no sex appeal. And why does she why did she get Bill? I'm so much this and that more than her. And so it just kind of like it took off like a runaway train and it's become like sort of like a QAnon thing where it's you know, there's a movement now, it's not documented. It's somewhere on the darknet or it's maybe just up in the ether. People talk about it, but there's a there's a community, there's a movement. I hate Hillary. And that's and there pushing all this stuff.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:26:39] What I like about that is if you watch the murder shows the datelines, the web of lies, all those kind of shows, obsession is a real thing. And sometimes one person's obsession can go a long way in the negative. And any person I feel can destroy any other person's life. Especially now with the Internet. All you have to if you can if you can intercept what I do and every bill that I've paid you simply make that bill unpaid. And then now I have to chase around and double pay and double like that'll knock my my, my productivity, my productivity down by maybe 100%, maybe not 100 but 50% Like if just that alone to imagine a person with means and time. So I do like that theory and I like I like the back story that Bill liked the other girl, but Hillary wrote all of Bill's papers. I want to throw that in. So
Tess Rafferty: [00:27:34] She actually. Had a boyfriend. I know this came out in the Stern interview and it might have been in the Hulu doc as well, but she did have a boyfriend that she was sort of seeing while she was seeing Bill. I think her and Bill were kind of off and on her and the guy were off and on, like whatever it was they were doing their lives. And it was the early seventies. And when I guess when her and Bill kind of got serious or decided to commit or make it a real thing or whatever, she did have to break up with the other guy. I remember that being a story. So maybe it was him.
Jennifer Field: [00:28:06] Oh my God, I love that. See, because Tess, you know, the history of.
Tess Rafferty: [00:28:10] He carried a torch all this time. Yeah, maybe he's the one.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:28:14] Tess, what's your theory?
Tess Rafferty: [00:28:15] Look, my theory is that a woman worked really hard to go to a top college and become valedictorian and then go to Yale Law School. And when she got out, she didn't go for a high-paying job. She worked for her country and for non profits. And she championed children and fought segregation. And then she fought for health care for everybody. And that seemed to piss off Republicans and so-called liberal men who are mediocre at heart and can't get it up around women who are accomplished and angered an authoritarian dude named Putin. And so everybody's been coming at her with crap for 30 or 40 years because it's better than actually having the best candidate for the job get the job.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:29:03] This is not real at all. The most fictional One of all three of our stories so far.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:29:11] Well, what I like about what Tess said too, is built into that is this thing of, like, anything that I should be mad at Bill about, I'm somehow going to be mad at Hillary for, like, if Bill was gallivanting and womanizing, I'm going to be mad at his wife, which is crazy.
Tess Rafferty: [00:29:29] Yeah,
Dwayne Perkins: [00:29:30] But. But I like that that's that's sort of built into that.
Tess Rafferty: [00:29:32] It's really the case with with everybody. You know, the way we talk about men versus women, I, I get that it it happens whenever there's a marginalized group versus a privileged group. Right. But we just don't check ourselves the the unconscious biases that we have about this stuff. I've heard people talk positively about Harry and Meghan, for example. They're in the news right now with his book coming out and just, God, I, I really I really like him. I. He really comes across as credible and genuine. I'm just not sure about her. You know what I'm like, Why aren't you sure about her? First of all, you don't have to be sure about anything. We don't know these people. We didn't have them over to dinner. They're just in the news. What you can be sure about is that she was greeted with a lot of sexism and racism. You know, like that. That's what you can be sure about. And that's really all that should kind of matter in this discussion, not whether or not you want to make or hurt your bestie, but the fact that he can come off good to you. And yet something that she's doing is coming is rubbing you the wrong way. And I don't buy that. That's an honest opinion. I believe that people think it's real, but I don't believe it's real. Like I believe there's other factors at work there. So, yeah, it is that like Hillary took a lot of flak for Bill's crime bill. But you know who never took flak for Bill's crime bill? President Biden, who wrote it or Senator Sanders who voted for it? You know, like no one ever brought it up with them. And they were actually there at the time. And I'm not espousing that. We should hold it against them or not hold it against them. It's just why was that never an issue when we talked about them, but always an issue when we talked about her.
Jennifer Field: [00:31:14] We're at the point in the show where we need to pick the unofficial official story, one that will once and for all answer the answer this question. Right. So what do you guys think? Which theory do we want to go with?
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:31:24] I love Larry Bird. Done. But I mean, Tess's story feels the most real to me.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:31:30] Right? Right. I like Jennifer's only because with Tess's we're actually taking a legitimate thing and applying it to a ridiculous question. And I think we need to stay in the land of ridiculousness.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:31:44] Okay.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:31:45] Did the Clintons have Kobe Bryant killed? No. But an evil ex-boyfriend, girlfriend of Hillary did. Boom. I love it.
Jennifer Field: [00:31:55] I can't I can't decide. I like them all. I like that there's maybe a possibility with Dwyane was saying that maybe they were somehow involved or had knowledge of something decades ago that ended in a funky way, some kind of death or crime. I like this Larry Bird situation because I'm not a big basketball junkie like you, Koji. But I also forgive me, but I only recently was reminded that the big how the Celtics and the Lakers it's that's like a historic thing is it almost like Dodgers versus Giants like that hard core of a rivalry.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:32:29] Yeah even more so probably from the sixties. You know.
Jennifer Field: [00:32:32] I like that. And of course, Tess's is like, duh. I mean, I love I love Hillary Clinton. I just I don't know what to pick. I pick Tess's because I love Hillary.
Tess Rafferty: [00:32:42] You know what? I'm going to I'm going to pick mine. But this is why I'm picking mine. Because to Dwayne's point, I feel like the only way will get people to believe that misogyny is real is if we tell them it's a conspiracy theory. I think people have been more willing to, you know, believe a conspiracy theory that something that's actually true. So I'm going to start saying just to say like racism, misogyny, homophobia, they're all conspiracy theories. And maybe in ten years time people will actually believe that they're real. So that's my.
Jennifer Field: [00:33:18] Oh, my God.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:33:20] There is a cabal in the United States. That makes it that women get paid less than men.
Tess Rafferty: [00:33:26] Really? Right. Like that. There's a whole cabal of men that whenever there's legislation for fair pay, they vote it down. I mean, I know this is crazy to think about, but I heard from a very inside source that this is true. You don't know what to think right now. You don't know where the lie started, do you?
Dwayne Perkins: [00:33:45] It's so brilliant because it's almost like if if that's how we're doing things, I love it. Like even with your kids, you know, like, I don't have kids, but this conspiracy thing is beautiful. Like, you could say to your kid, you know what they're saying? It's like bananas. If you study and work hard, you'll do better in school and maybe better in life. But who's they? Who's saying it? You know,
Tess Rafferty: [00:34:07] I saw it on Reddit.
Jennifer Field: [00:34:12] That's the Official story. We're going to take another break. And when we return, we'll find out who the Clintons should have killed next. The Clintons allegedly killed over 50 people in their long career in politics. Who do you think they should kill next? I mean, I guess I'll go first. At first I was thinking something blanket like a blanket answer, which was kill all the 1%. But then I changed my mind and they should kill Kim Jong un of North Korea. That would be I think I think that would be cool. And I shouldn't say that's cool, but.
Tess Rafferty: [00:34:44] I feel Like you're going to end up with your email hacked. Yeah, I would. Thank you and good night. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know that there's a good outcome to this question. Yeah, right.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:34:58] So I thought hard about this, and I'm going to have all the people that hurt dogs. Anybody who hurts dogs or little children, too. But dogs, especially, like, are animals, pets of any kind. I think those are the worst human beings. And they really shouldn't be out there voting and they surely shouldn't be out there doing anything. And they're just taking up resources. And if we killed all those people, the Clintons have have magical powers, they could just kill whoever, apparently. So they could just wipe out all the people that hurt animals and all the people that hurt little children. And we'd be good. The world would be a better place.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:35:29] I like that answer, Koji. That's almost a perfect answer, because if they have anyone, if they have any actual person killed, it just fuels the theory. It fuels the the conspiracy theories even more so. Right. I think they should I think they should kill any legislation, any legislation that lets banks kind of do what they want. You know, like like let's go back to pre-Reagan era, you know, where like the separation of like banks and investment house and that that line wasn't blurred. Yeah, let's go back to that.
Koji Steven Sakai: [00:36:01] Dwayne n that was masterful that was that was you should be a press secretary of some president.
Tess Rafferty: [00:36:06] I like the ideas that are being posited here that somehow the Clintons possess some sort of Thanos-style like superpowers. Where are they going to snap their fingers? And just an entire segment of a population can be gone. And also, the idea of them is time travelers who can go back in time and kill legislation, You know? Yeah, time-traveling lawmakers is also a very it's also a very hilarious concept. I agree. I would like to see them as people who could just snap their fingers like Thanos and kill legislation, particularly the laws where Hobby Lobby doesn't have to pay for birth control and churches don't have to pay taxes because that one's bullshit right there. So giving churches tax-exempt status. I know, I know. We've gone from people we'd like to see dead to legislation we'd like to see gotten rid of or laws we'd like to see struck down. But again, reality not as satisfying as our imaginations, but we. Yeah, but it all comes down to law. So that's what, that's, that's, that's how I'm going to answer the question.
Jennifer Field: [00:37:12] Thank you, Tess, for coming on. Please tell us where people can follow you.
Tess Rafferty: [00:37:16] They can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Tess Rafferty. I'm on Instagram at the Tess Rafferty Because someone else named Tess Rafferty got there first. You can find me on Amazon. I have an author page where you can find all my books, and I have a Substack, which is Tess Rafferty dot Substack dot com, so they can check that out too.
Jennifer Field: [00:37:36] And thank you all so much for listening. There are 3 million podcasts out there, so we're honored that you chose an hour to listen to right here, right now. Our podcast is growing. Shout out to all listeners and reviewers and raters. Check out our website, Unofficial Official Story. We got our show notes there. You can hear our past episodes and we're going to be taking a month off to recharge. We're going to do some more research and keep your eye out because we're going to have a season to best of episode and our season three trailer. Woo! Woo! Thank you.
Tess Rafferty: [00:38:08] Thank you so much for having me.
Dwayne Perkins: [00:38:10] Thank you, guys. Good luck storming the castle.
Tess Rafferty: [00:38:12] All right. Bye.