We'll come up with the "official" story so you don't have to!
June 16, 2022

S2E3 Was Britney Spears a government agent for President W. Bush? with Will Rodriguez

In episode 3 of season 2, producer and one of the hosts of the podcast “The Skeptic Metaphysicians,” Will Rodriguez, joined the Unofficial Official Story team to answer the question: Was Britney Spears a government agent for President W. Bush? In this...

In episode 3 of season 2, producer and one of the hosts of the podcast “The Skeptic Metaphysicians,” Will Rodriguez, joined the Unofficial Official Story team to answer the question: Was Britney Spears a government agent for President W. Bush? In this episode, we discuss a person who thinks they spoke to Jesus, Britney and Bush’s love child, MK-Ultra, Mark Zukerberg, and more! Listen to the episode to find out what really happened.

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Will started his career with NBC/Telemundo and is now the Regional Programming and Video Production Manager for a national TV network where he created Emmy-award nominated programming such as Destination Virginia, Untapped VA, I Do – The Ultimate Wedding Guide, Calm, Cool and Connected, and Living 757.

On his podcast, the Skeptic Metaphysicians, he and his co-host Karen dive into all things metaphysical, paranormal, and esoteric in the hopes of finding something.... anything...that can prove that there is more to our reality than what we see with our eyes. https://www.skepticmetaphysician.com/

Our researchers do most of their “research” on the Internet, so take our “facts” for what they are. With that in mind, much of the information we got for this episode was gleaned from the following sources:

Website: http://unofficialofficialstory.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theunofficialofficialstorypod/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheUnofOfStory
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxGCoSTC0bmTk5GVFHP4l3w


What are "they" not telling us? We'll find out, figure out, and, when all else fails, make up the missing pieces to some of the most scandalous conspiracies, unexplained phenomena, and true crime affecting our world today. Join comedian Dwayne Perkins, writer Koji Steven Sakai, and comedian/actor/writer Cat Alvarado on The Unofficial Official Story Podcast every month, and by the end of each episode, we'll tell you what's really...maybe...happening.  

The intro and outro song was created by Brian "Deep" Watters. You can hear his music at https://soundcloud.com/deepwatters. 
Hosts: Cat Alvarado, Dwayne Perkins, and Koji Steven Sakai
Written by Koji Steven Sakai
Edited and Produced by Koji Steven Sakai


Jennifer Field: [00:00:05] Hey everyone. Welcome, welcome, welcome. This is Season two Episode three of the unofficial official story. I'm Jennifer and I am feeling it today.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:00:18] I'm Dwayne and I'm feeling like Mars is in retrograde. That's what you're supposed to say when technology doesn't work, right? So that's how I'm feeling.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:00:27] And I am Koji and I am annoyed with the government who is trying to keep us down from recording this episode. We've had 1000000 minutes of problems trying to get this episode running, so we're going to make it through though. We're going to overcome the government. We're going to go for it.

Jennifer Field: [00:00:44] This is a podcast where we tell you the official story. We look at the paranormal conspiracies, unexplained phenomena, cryptids and true crime. And by the end, we're going to tell you what really maybe happened in this episode. We're asking the question, dun dun dun. Was Britney Spears a government agent for President George W Bush? What I mean, like, that is just such a weird conspiracy. I never heard about it till this podcast. What about you, Will?

Will Rodriguez: [00:01:19] Not at all. I didn't even know this was a thing at all. Till you guys said this is what thesShow is going to be about.

Jennifer Field: [00:01:26] So that is our guest. We have Wil Rodriguez, one of the hosts of the podcast, the skeptic metaphysician. What? What so Will, woo woo. Thanks for sticking through our technical difficulties today. The government is trying to not let the truth be released.

Will Rodriguez: [00:01:48] And I'm feeling like we can't let the government take over. We're going to beat them.

Jennifer Field: [00:01:52] Yeah,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:01:53] Exactly.

Jennifer Field: [00:01:53] Will, Rodriguez has started his career with NBC, Telemundo and is now the regional programming and video production manager for a national TV network where he created Emmy Award winning nominated programming such as Destination Virginia, Untapped Virginia. I do the ultimate wedding guide, calm, cool and connected and living Seven, five, seven is quite a portfolio. So on his podcast, the skeptic metaphysician, he and his co-host Karen dive into all things metaphysical, paranormal and esoteric in the hopes of finding something, anything that can prove that there is more to our reality than what we see with our eyes.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:02:36] Tell us how you guys started the podcast.

Will Rodriguez: [00:02:38] Well, it all started because of an existential crisis I went through back when COVID first hit. Right. Everybody was under extreme amount of stress. You guys are in the industry, so you know how much stress we're under in the TV world. And it all kind of collapsed in on me at the same time. I had to take some time off of work. I created the Community Connect, which was all about mental health. So I went into that field to find that it wasn't enough. And I stumbled on an old friend by way of a book that I read when I was in my twenties called Conversations with God. I just kind of leafed through it again and fell down this massive rabbit hole all over again. If you not read that book, it is way out there, a total different way of thinking about what God is. And I had stayed away for from a long for a long time because of the word God. I'm not really a very religious person, and the book is called Conversations with God. So it kind of turned me off. But then when I started reading it, I realized, oh, this, this is not at all what I thought it was. And then that started me looking into stuff. I I'm a skeptic, but I really I really want to believe I say on the show Open, I'm like, Mulder from the X Files, I really want to believe. But I'm also really afraid of being looked at as naive or being taken advantage of. So I need that proof. I need that. I need to be able to feel it, taste it, smell it, see it before I can believe it. So my co host, on the other hand, is full on. She is on board. She doesn't need psychics and channels and mediums and pet detectives or whatever. She's all on board astral projection, chakras, Kundalini. So she asked questions like, Oh wow, tell me more. I'm asking, how do you know you're not just hallucinating the stuff, right? How do you know you're not just dreaming the stuff? So though we want to believe we can't just take things as sight unseen. So I asked more the pragmatic questions like, How do you know for sure? That kind of stuff. But over the course of the last year and a half that we've been doing the show, I'm finding that I can't explain a lot of the stuff that we're talking about and a lot like you guys, we don't just do metaphysics, we do Cryptids and UFOs and paranormal stuff. So we're looking into all of it because we're finding the more we find out there, the more there is to find out there. I'm not willing to close my eyes and say, no, that that can't be real because I've seen stuff and heard stuff and experience stuff that I can't experience. I mean, I can't I can't explain. So I can't I can't say these things are bullshit because I know I've had stuff happen to me that I can't explain. So who am I to say the stuff is bullshit? It just could be that I've not experienced it yet, so it's fun.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:05:11] I love conversation with God. That's one of my favorite books in my twenties. I remember reading it and really did change. My mind are not changing my mind. It changed my conception of my relationship with God or whoever and just kind of it really did open up my eyes a lot.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:05:23] Like I attempted to read that book 20 years ago and I actually purchased it and then it wasn't like too difficult. I just found the first few pages. I felt a little bit like I felt like it was like cult speak and I should have read more. And so I took the book back, but maybe I'll try again. You know what I mean?

Will Rodriguez: [00:05:45] You have to go into it knowing that this is something that is just completely opposed to everything you know about God. In fact, I think a lot of the Christians that I speak to about the book really consider it heresy. I mean, they hate the book because it says that the things that they don't want to they don't want to say or hear or pay attention to, it's so in I understand your thoughts about the cult speak. It took me a bit to get through it myself too, at the beginning because I was offended by it. I was like, How dare you say this to me?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:06:14] Right, right. But but for me, it was like I didn't even read anything that I disagreed with. It just felt like there's something I'm going to disagree with later, you know what I mean? Like, when you get into a cult, it's more like, hey, do you want to be the best version of yourself? Oh, yeah, I want that. You know. Do you want to love people? Yeah, I want that. And then those are all yeses. And then when that first question, that should be a no, you might miss it. So it starts out with do you want to be the best, best version of yourself? And then it ends with you all winning Nike's and drinking Kool-Aid and waiting for the mothership.

Will Rodriguez: [00:06:48] So you're thinking it's a David Koresh thing.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:06:53] Dwayne you were reading you're reading a different book. You're reading the Koresh Bible or something. Well, Will, why don't you tell us the craziest thing you've learned so far from your show?

Will Rodriguez: [00:07:05] Craziest or most plausible that I found interesting because those are very two very different things. We interviewed a guy who the very first thing he said to us was like flipping that grenade open and tossing it in my lap and then saying, okay, motherfucker, what are you going to do now? He said, In no uncertain terms, I am the light, right? Everyone who dies has to go through him to get to the other side. Every person, not just people, but animals. Anything that is alive, that dies goes through him. Their souls go through him. He told me what archangels look like. He told me he routinely has conversations with Jesus and God. He was John the Baptist for a while. And this this guy was out there. And if it wasn't for the fact that right before we start recording, he said to me, There's a lady over your left shoulder that's blond and green eyes, and she is saying that she's your grandmother. Now, if you look at me, I'm of Cuban descent. Cubans aren't seen as blond haired and green eyed people. But sure enough, my grandmother had blond hair and green eyes and no one knows that.

Jennifer Field: [00:08:06] Oh, my God, get the fuck out.

Will Rodriguez: [00:08:09] I swear to God. No, it freaked me out to begin with. But then he drops a grenade in my lap. Now, I don't know what to do with this guy because on one hand, he nailed my grandmother without having any reason to nail my grandmother. Well, that sounds weird. I mean, maybe.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:08:22] Yeah, yeah, I was going to say. Yeah.

Will Rodriguez: [00:08:26] But then he's talking this stuff that I just don't know what to make of it. So he actually his interview was the one that made me say, okay, you know what? I don't know shit. So I better just put the messages out there and let everyone else decide whether they believe it or not. And in fact, it's been one of our most popular episodes, and people have actually said to me, reached out to us and said, we've had a session with the guy and he's amazing.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:08:46] That's pretty amazing. And as long as he doesn't hurt people if or take advantage of people, then it's okay if he's the light, if he thinks he's the light, whether he is or if he isn't, it's okay that he has that that position.

Will Rodriguez: [00:08:57] Absolutely.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:08:58] As long. As he doesn't use that as justification to do bad things.

Will Rodriguez: [00:09:01] I was going to say and that's the thing, you just never and that's why I'm skeptic, because there's so many people out there that are just out there to grab that buck. Right. To take advantage Of.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:09:09] Right. Right.

Will Rodriguez: [00:09:10] We interviewed a guy who founded a foundation called the Forever Family Foundation. And their whole sole purpose is to certify people whether or not they're real, they're legit mediums or not. So they put them through this massive testing process to make sure that that they say, yeah, these these people are legit and not trying to take someone's money because his daughter died and he was desperate to find out whether or not she was still around on the other side.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:09:32] Right. Right.

Will Rodriguez: [00:09:34] Found all kinds of people telling them all kinds of stuff that was pure crap just to make a buck. And that's and he didn't like that. So that's my that's my big concern. I don't want to be seen as that guy that's so gullible that goes, wow, really nailing my grandmother the way he did was pretty, pretty crazy, I got to admit that.

Jennifer Field: [00:09:55] So it's time to get into it. Time to get into the meat of the show.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:09:58] Let's do it.

Jennifer Field: [00:09:59] Here are the facts.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:10:00] All right. So the 24 hour news cycle was just starting to kick in during the Bush administration. So whenever the president did something stupid, Britney would do something crazy, like forcing news organizations to cover her and not the president. And this might seem like a coincidence, but could it be intentional? Could the Bush administration have paid Britney to distract the American public?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:10:25] Well, let's look at the proof. January 5th, 2004, the Bush administration revealed the cover of a CIA agent, Valerie Plame, a week before the trial to indict the person responsible for the leak, Scooter Libby. Britney marries a childhood friend and then annuls the marriage 55 hours later.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:10:41] You guys remember this? A lot of these things that we're talking about with Britney, I remember them happening. I was not a Britney fan back then. Anything but you still like all these like all these cultural moments you remember, even if it's like like so stupid.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:10:54] Was this before? Like, she married the dancer dude.

Will Rodriguez: [00:10:57] Federline.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:10:58] Or after.

Jennifer Field: [00:10:59] This one was before Federline. The Vegas marriage.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:11:01] Yeah. Yeah, I was going to say Federer. But then I realize he's a great tennis player. Federline Yes.

Jennifer Field: [00:11:08] All right. April 2006, President Bush's approval rating is at an all time low. That's also when Britney drives with her infant son in her lap, causing a firestorm of news coverage. We remember that, too.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:22] I remember that she was on her driveway, though.

Jennifer Field: [00:11:24] Yeah, she was in the driveway.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:27] It's not like she was driving on like a highway going 100 miles an hour. I mean, I have a kid. I understand, but it's like, come on. February 2007, now that Al Qudea has reformed, that's also when Britney is sent to rehab. She shaves her head and attacks a paparazzi. Reporter or I use reporter in quotes, obviously.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:11:44] Well, here's the thing. She had a bet with that paparazzi that Al Qaida would reform and the paparazzi didn't pay up. So that's really what that was. Wow.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:55] You heard it here first. That's the news right there.

Jennifer Field: [00:11:57] March 14, 2007. There is a controversy about political firings at the Department of Justice, which is on the same day that we find out that Britney hooked up with some musician while in rehab. Oh, my gosh. Such a big deal, right?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:12:14] But to be fair, I think every 22 minutes, somewhere in the world, someone in rehab is hooking up with a musician.

Jennifer Field: [00:12:23] Oh, my God. Right, right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:12:26] I mean, is there anything else to do in rehab? I've never been to rehab, but I imagine people hook up with people all the time. That's like that's like the 13th step.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:12:33] It's against the rules. But I think it's sort of like also better than doing smack, you know what I mean?

Jennifer Field: [00:12:38] Right. Yeah, right. And it kind of feels like camp, like I've been to them. And when I go, it always feels like some like science camp or like, yes, sleepaway camp. Like the venue always feels that way. Like it's a big slumber party. I haven't been to rehab. I just visited. Yeah.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:12:54] Right. Right And then there was this very suspicious cameo on Michael Moore's documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11, where she said this I think we should just trust our president in every decision that he makes and we should just support that and be faithful in what happens. Yeah, it should be noted that neither the president nor Britney ever commented on this. Which which makes it really suspicious when when you're in a room with like 12 to 20 people and two people are like aggressively not talking to each other, they're hooking up.

Will Rodriguez: [00:13:30] Oh. Not a visual I needed, Dwyane.

Jennifer Field: [00:13:32] That's pretty legit. Yeah, I was I was going to say I remember you guys remember. I mean, I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 in the theater. You know, it was a big deal back then. And I remember her being in that doc. So when we come back, we're going to put our minds together. We do a little mind-melding and figure out what really maybe happened.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:13:57] We need your help to grow this podcast, which means we need you to subscribe and then write a good review. This helps other people like you find our podcast and see if this is right for them.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:14:07] And if you write a review, we'll send one lucky fan a week. A brand new poster for our podcast. Just take a picture of your review, post it on Instagram and make sure to tag us. We'll choose one lucky winner a week until the next episode comes out.

Jennifer Field: [00:14:20] Now that we've discussed the facts, here's my favorite part of the show. Let's give our theories.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:14:26] Okay, I'll go first. Really excited about my theory here. So. So Britney Spears and Bush, we're about 2007 ish, right? 2006. 2005, all that time. So secretly, those two are hooking up, having little relations.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:14:42] Interesting.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:14:43] I'm going to follow it up. So my child, my son is actually a love child of those two.

Jennifer Field: [00:14:49] Wait. When was he Born?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:14:50] In 2010. And we only he's not really Asian so all the Asian kids if you're subscribed to my Instagram you see my kid playing baseball. That's not really my kid. That's just we dressed him up as an Asian person just to throw people off. He's really the love child of Britney Spears and George Bush. And we're just waiting for we're waiting for our Bush check to come in to for him to pay for his college and everything else.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:15:12] George Bush used to used to own the Texas Rangers. And you know how celebrities do the first pitch in baseball games? George Bush, even as an elderly person, had one of the best first pitches ever. Perfect strike. Perfect curveball. You know, like some people throw, they either they don't make it to the mound or they throw it all. He was probably in the sixties and threw a perfect strike, perfect curveball. So I'm just saying for Koji, you know, since your son is really good at baseball, that would.

Jennifer Field: [00:15:39] It makes sense.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:40] Yeah. And you brought something up. His travel baseball team is the Pasadena Rangers. Mind blown. Oh, goosebumps. You guys feel it? Goosebumps.

Will Rodriguez: [00:15:54] I want to say that. I thought you were hitting into completely different direction when you're talking about the first pitch. I thought it was the first pitch and it almost never gets to the plate. So I thought you were talking to Koji. He threw his first pitch and it didn't quite make right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:16:08] Okay. Dwayne, what's your theory?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:16:09] Mine is a little more practical. It's kind of like, okay, the guys who worked on the Manhattan Project didn't know that they were working on it or they didn't know they only knew their piece of it, you know? And I think I don't think you could trust Britney with a lot of the things that they would need to trust her with. So I think that her publicist is a government agent or was a government agent at the time, and which makes it so brilliant because her publicists, like Britney, was constantly doing crazy things and a publicist would just release one of those crazy things when they needed it. You know what I mean? 

Jennifer Field: [00:16:41] oh

Dwayne Perkins: [00:16:41] Because her publicist probably spent the first few years suppressing things she did keeping stuff out of the newspaper, paying this one off, paying that one off. And so the government came to her and said, hey, you know, like we actually don't want you to like, no press is bad press. So instead of suppressing these stories, why don't we just let them come out at certain intervals? And she was like, okay, bet. And so a combination of that and maybe knowing what triggers Britney, you know, like if you have a friend who's easy to trigger that you can weaponize that friend, right? So if you're hanging out, you can say, hey, man, not for nothing. But that guy said, your girl is ugly. Right? And if your friend doesn't have a good, good self-control, he'll go and beat that guy up. So you've you've basically weaponized your friend. Right. So the publicist would, in addition to leaking certain stories, could weaponize Britney by giving her access to whatever it was her fancy in terms of mind stimulation, be it alcohol and drugs, men. So whenever we needed her to go off the rails, just introduce those things. She's very predictable. She's going to do exactly what you want and then you leak the story.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:17:46] Wow. Wow. So it's almost like an MK-ULTRA kind of thing where they're really controlling the mind. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:17:51] A little bit.

Will Rodriguez: [00:17:52] That's my theory. So. Yeah.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:17:53] Okay, let's go. Will,

Will Rodriguez: [00:17:55] Yeah.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:17:55] Okay. Jennifer, what's your theory then? We'll end on Will's.

Jennifer Field: [00:17:58] So my theory is that, yes, the government was using likes to use distractions and puppet people as their puppet. And so therefore, I believe she was a government agent. But the reason why it kind of ended is not so much Bush uses people, it's the government uses people. And around this time was the explosion of social media. So as you remember during this era, let's see here, 2004 apparently is when the when Facebook like became and it was just for Harvard. But I remember 2006 2007 was when I had first heard about or was told Facebook was going to be a new thing and to transition from MySpace to Facebook. So this is around the time when social media was about to take up our conscious take up our space in our heads and attention. So for me, Facebook was invented. And then of course, Instagram came about, I think it was 2010. So basically the my thing is the government has made social media are what what distracts us now. And so and this is much more powerful and lasting.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:19:10] I really like that. I like two things. I like the idea that the algorithm basically replaced a lot of secret agents and people whose job it was to plant things like they just got that pink slip in the minute we got this thing, we got the algorithm, so we're all set and you know, there's a rhythm to things, right? And then the internet naturally syncs up to the rhythm of things and knows when to drop things right. Al Gore created the Internet. Al Gore rhythm.

Jennifer Field: [00:19:41] What? Oh, my God, that is so good. Did you just come up with that on the spot?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:19:46] Yeah. I mean, I'm not bragging, but yeah I did.

Jennifer Field: [00:19:51] Oh, my. God, I am. That is a zinger.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:19:56] It's so stupid.

Jennifer Field: [00:19:58] No it's not. It's Fucking Smart.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:01] Will, what's your theory?

Will Rodriguez: [00:20:02] All right, so bear with me here. Right. You all heard about the MKULTRA program, right?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:20:07] Yes. Yes.

Will Rodriguez: [00:20:07] Back in the sixties, the CIA's so part of the MKULTRA experiments, it's been shown the documents showed that they implanted dogs with a chip that would help, that would make them run or sit or stand or do all these kind of like make them do things. My theory is, the first time Britney went to rehab, they implanted her with one of these things.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:29] Wow.

Will Rodriguez: [00:20:30] And then during Fahrenheit 9/11, when she says what she said and didn't remember, that's what's happening. Because one of the things that they found was through these experiments, they would make people do things that they wouldn't remember. If you remember back to the MKULTRA program, that was a big thing. They. Some people, mental health patients 101 one person was dosed 174 days straight with LSD. And it's all a way to try to control people, basically let opposing forces lay down their weapons so that they can end wars peacefully. That was their their line. Right. So Britney was implanted with a chip that every time George W would say something crazy, it would make her do something just crazier just to move that stuff off of his plate and onto hers.

Jennifer Field: [00:21:17] Oh,

Will Rodriguez: [00:21:17] And that's why the whole conservatorship thing, right? She broke the programming and they were forced to keep her out of the public eye so she wouldn't come clean with it.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:21:27] Wow.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:21:28] Oh, I like. That's my thing. I wonder how she how she broke it. Like, did the chip stop working? Did she get too much water in her ear? You know what I mean? Like.

Will Rodriguez: [00:21:40] I don't know if you remember Towards the end of the conservatorship, she was posting videos on social media that people were like all her fans were saying, you got to save Britney. She was they're treating her badly. She's going crazy kind of thing. I think it was just one of those things where maybe her mental health snapped and the chemistry was no longer compatible with this chip. And it's something happened there. Fried it or something like that?

Jennifer Field: [00:22:03] No. During the conservatorship that the chip was still there. And then because the conservatorship began in, what, 2008.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:22:13] Maybe, maybe eight or ten.

Will Rodriguez: [00:22:15] I thought it was later Than that. Yeah,

Jennifer Field: [00:22:17] Later. Okay. But anyway, you're saying so during it they were trying to keep her down, right. Because she had the chip.

Will Rodriguez: [00:22:24] I'm seeing the look of doubt on your faces. I'm seeing it 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:22:28] I like this theory. I'm feeling it. Yes,

Jennifer Field: [00:22:30] I like it because Bush's presidency ended, but she was still fucking chipped. So that's why she still Was Not normal.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:22:39] So I'm going to add on to your as Will as I love yours. But what if at 2016, when President Trump started, they wanted to bring it back and so they tried to restart it at that point, but then it got fried.

Will Rodriguez: [00:22:51] That makes a lot of sense because she was they were putting her under too much pressure. They were having her do too much shit because of all the stuff that Trump was doing and it just fried. That makes perfect sense to me.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:23:03] Why am I in this conservatorship? I want my I want to control my own life. Now, see it. We've solved it.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:23:08] Right? Right.

Will Rodriguez: [00:23:08] I love it.

Jennifer Field: [00:23:09] And by this point, it's an outdated chip anyway.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:23:12] Right? Right. And maybe Trump was like, we don't need her. I have my Twitter account. I'm good. I can.

Will Rodriguez: [00:23:20] But then when Twitter banned him, then they needed something again and they brought her back.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:23:24] Right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:23:26] That's when they got Mayor Giuliani Right.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:23:30] For people listening, the ultra thing is it's the best sort of how it looks has been portrayed as, I guess in Manchurian Candidate, those movies where.

Will Rodriguez: [00:23:40] Yeah,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:23:40] And it's so interesting you mention that world because the last we've had, you know unfortunately two more shootings recently, mass shootings. And I get online and I'm always finding people who will say this is some MK Ultra guy. And I'm like, Either way, I don't know if that makes it better or worse. It's like he if he didn't have a gun, even if he's even if he's in essence, being controlled by remote control, by someone, he still needs the gun to carry out these acts. You know, but when you look at Manchurian Candidate, you know, especially the old Angela Lansbury one, basically you say like eight words or ten words to someone that make that don't make sense. But then once all those words are said, they're activated, you know, and they don't they they don't know what they're doing. Right? So it's kind of like apple microphone lotion. So. 

Will Rodriguez: [00:24:31] I'm glad you stopped there. Yeah.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:24:33] Right, right, right. When I'm talking to someone, if they don't make sense, if like the first four words don't make sense together, I'm out. I walk away because I don't want I don't want to be activated.

Jennifer Field: [00:24:46] We've presented our theories. Now we're at the point in the show where we need to pick the unofficial official story, one that will once and for all answer this question. Right. What do you guys think? Which theory do we want to go with?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:00] I mean, even though I like my son being the love child of Britney and Bush, I think I think Will's MK-ULTRA is the is the winner to me.

Will Rodriguez: [00:25:10] Yeah.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:11] How do you guys feel, Jennifer? Dwayne?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:25:12] I would agree. I would agree. I mean, Koji, yours was great that your son, who very much looks like you and your wife somehow is George Bush's son. Tempting. I do. Yeah. Like, I like Will's mkultra thing, too. Just because it's like, the shades of my theory, it's. It covers a lot, like, the whole. And the fact is that that really was the thing at some point, too. So it's undeniable that they did try those things at some point.

Jennifer Field: [00:25:39] Well, first of all, I do want to side note, Takao does not know this, right? He doesn't know?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:45] No.

Jennifer Field: [00:25:46] But you will reveal to him when he's 18.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:48] Yes. Go find. Go find the Bush family and try to get some money from and run for public office in Texas, obviously.

Jennifer Field: [00:25:57] Oh, God. Yeah, please. Actually, I have to say. Will, I like the MK-ULTRA theory as well, because it totally makes sense. And honestly, we've been doing this show now for like, what, a year? Almost a little over a year, year and a half. And like, nobody has none of us and any of our guests have never brought in the MK-ULTRA theory, which could be applied to a lot of really freaky stuff, and it's just so on and it's real. It's like based in reality and like make could explain things like this.

Will Rodriguez: [00:26:28] The scariest thing is that it's real that it is actually it was an actual program and it could explain so much. It could explain everything that we've just experienced the last four decades of where everything is. But it's. 

Jennifer Field: [00:26:38] Totally. 

Will Rodriguez: [00:26:39] It's sad too at the same time.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:26:40] Yeah. And it makes you think why? I don't know. I think guys who get caught doing crazy things, not like I'm not I'm talking about just personal life, like guys who get caught messing around with their lady. You know, I would I would tap into that MK-ULTRA excuse a little bit. You know, just what happened is this

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:27:04] And then the next eight words, your your girlfriend or wife says you just start humping the wall. See, those are the eight words.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:27:17] What am I doing here in this shady motel? Oh, my God. Let's get out.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:27:24] I thought this was a real massage parlor. Not one of those Asian spots.

Jennifer Field: [00:27:31] Oh, my God. Well, it's funny. You were my man, and you told me that I would give you props just for your Sheer. Rightness. I feel like, okay. I let you off. That's too good. You're too funny.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:27:46] That's great.

Jennifer Field: [00:27:48] I guess we know which story we like the best. We're all in agreement here, aren't we, guys? Well, will you agree with your own theory? Right? Or what do you think?

Will Rodriguez: [00:27:55] Yeah, no, I. I live that theory. You could not think about that all day long. All every day.

Jennifer Field: [00:28:05] We'll take another break. And when we come back, we'll we're going to figure out which other celebrities are secretly government agents. Now that we know Britney was a government agent, she just wasn't aware. Right. What other celebrities are also government agents and why?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:28:22] Okay, I'll get started first because I'm super excited about my answer. I spent some time thinking about this one. It's T-Pain. You know why the government didn't want rap music to be as popular as it is? So they sent in the government agent T-Pain and his Auto-Tune and fucked it all up.

Jennifer Field: [00:28:38] Whoa.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:28:40] They decided to mess up hip hop. They didn't want to do hip hop anymore. They tried to kill Tupac. They killed Tupac. They killed Biggie. They killed Big L. They killed all of them. It didn't work because still popular. Jay-z Nas. All these guys, Outkast, they're all there. And then they sent T-Pain and then hip hop was done from that point on. So he's the government agent.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:28:59] Interesting

Jennifer Field: [00:29:00] Oh, my God. That's that is interesting.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:29:02] But maybe he killed R&B.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:29:04] He killed all black music Basically. Yeah.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:29:08] Well, I would have to say Dennis Rodman. But based on the Britney sort of line of thinking, but he's not MKULTRA like he knows what he's doing and it's like just get out there and be crazy. And his usefulness has sort of waned a bit because he's not in the public eye. But when he was playing basketball, his job was to just, you know, just distract and inflame people, you know? And he did he did a great, great job of it. I don't know. I want to say also maybe Martha Stewart, but she did spend some time in jail. So I don't know how that would work exactly.

Will Rodriguez: [00:29:42] She was real different from the time she went to jail when she was after. Like, I don't think I could see her hanging with Snoop before jail. Right.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:29:51] That's true.

Will Rodriguez: [00:29:52] I mean, it was a total like character change, like behavioral change. He was a different person.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:29:57] I think she probably because she ran the yard, you know what I mean?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:30:00] Or actually, here's the secret. Martha Stewart's actually an African American man. That's her. That's a real person. That's a real undercover thing. And then but she had to be an older white woman for the for the show.

Will Rodriguez: [00:30:15] That is some commitment. Well, did you hear the theory about Dennis Rodman being actually an alien? Being a lizard alien, whatever. Whatever you call the.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:30:22] Reptilian.

Will Rodriguez: [00:30:23] Reptilian. Yeah.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:30:24] Right. Right. I mean, he looks it a little, but I've never I've never heard that theory. I will say this one that you could also kind of say Al Sharpton. But again, that's an actual thing. Like he was an informant for the FBI. So that's that's not as sexy and funny.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:30:41] Will, who do you think which celebrity do you think is a government agent?

Will Rodriguez: [00:30:44] So I'm going back a little. But I'm thinking Jerry Springer.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:30:46] Oh, I like that. I like that.

Will Rodriguez: [00:30:50] Because for a long time, the government's been trying to dumb us down. Right. And how better to dumb us down than to put us up against one another? And Jerry Springer was the king of putting us against one another.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:31:02] Absolutely. You know what I love about that on WIll about Jerry Springer, it's simultaneously dumbing you down while making you feel like you're better than other people.

Will Rodriguez: [00:31:12] Right. And making You angry.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:31:13] Yeah, making you angry because you watch that show and you're like, I'm better than these people. But to really be better, you have to cut the TV off. You have to, like, stop watching.

Will Rodriguez: [00:31:24] Right. Right, right.

Jennifer Field: [00:31:26] Right, right. I just have to get props on the Jerry Springer thing, because you're right, he was a magician in terms of creating conflict, which relates to my theory about the government agent thing with Britney Spears is that I believe Mark Zuckerberg is a celebrity that is a government agent, and namely, it's because this political climate that we're in, this extreme right versus left right, you've got the Wokies on one side. And then like these super these people like trying to ban abortions and shit like that. On the other, it's so divided right now. It's like, you know, it's it's people are uprising it's it's it's making people want to go to the polls whether whatever side you're on right people are stirred more so to vote now and Facebook right was as we know there was like this the collusion like were the Russia bots. Right. And there's, there's stuff where we're not quite sure. I don't remember what he got in trouble for I Zuckerberg but basically I know that Mark Zuckerberg is not totally not guilty. He is guilty of making Trump and the and the right more, how should I say, empowered. And so therefore he is he's working for the government because the government wants us to go out and vote, whether whatever side you're on, they want people riled up. They want the right and the left to be distinct so that there's more, I don't know, heat. So yeah, he's responsible for the climate we're in. And so Facebook has been sort of like is being used as a tool.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:33:05] Is it him or is the algorithm?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:33:06] You can say it's the algorithm, but they can you can stop the algorithm. It's just it's just got to flip a switch and then it's that it's done. You know, I think it's so interesting because so many right wing politicians, I think they give a lot of rhetoric toward big tech. Like big tech is seen as an enemy, except big tech is how Trump won, you know what I mean? And so it's kind of like this weird. It's like, are they really are they like Coke and Pepsi? Like they're against each other, but they really just want you to drink cola. And so they kind of feed off each other, you know what I mean?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:33:36] And Zuckerberg is allegedly also reptilian.

Will Rodriguez: [00:33:39] I heard that, too.

Jennifer Field: [00:33:40] Yeah. His eyes. Yeah.

Will Rodriguez: [00:33:42] And it goes back to your last episode, right? He's not Asian, so he's back, right?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:33:46] Right, right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:33:47] Yeah. He's married to an Asian.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:33:49] And to think too about Zuckerberg is that Facebook? It's a good tool. You know, he's done great things. It's grown. But there were so many social media platforms prior to Facebook and so.

Jennifer Field: [00:33:59] Right.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:33:59] How Facebook became the sort of one that we all adopted. I mean, there was MySpace, there was Friendster, there was the one that begins with an x. There was so many others that is just weird. So he didn't create a new thing, like something that we've never seen before. You know what I mean? We treat it like as such, but it was just a different version of what we already saw.

Will Rodriguez: [00:34:20] But I think going back to your statement about the algorithm, I think this is the first one that really started putting different messages to different.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:34:26] Yeah.

Will Rodriguez: [00:34:27] So depending on your search parameters and what you're what you're posting, what you're listening to and all that kind of stuff is the first one has said, Oh, you like conservative stuff. Oh, here you go. I'm going to keep feeding you Alex Jones and not shit. So you can, you can confirm your, your suspicions or your thoughts about stuff anyway. So rather than helping the people make up their own minds, they're constantly being fed what they already want to be fed. And that's just made things worse as we go. Oh, man, it's something just hit me. All this stuff is all AI driven, right? What if the robot apocalypse is already upon us? We don't even know we're already being taken over by AI. We had no. Clue.

Jennifer Field: [00:35:02] Oh, my God.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:35:04] That is definitely happening. Because there's going to get to a point where even when they cut thoff, it won't be off anymore. Facebook had this thing where two computers were talking to each other and they like immediately started using some weird different language and they unplugged the computers. Oh, you can you can Google it. It's a real Thing.

Will Rodriguez: [00:35:21] It's like a war games thing. Yeah.

Jennifer Field: [00:35:23] Oh, that is so freaky.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:35:24] I remember the last election, I just wanted to see how easy it would be to start changing all my ads for everything I was and all the texts. And just so I started looking up Trump stuff and just like looking up conspiracy stuff about around right wing. I start getting text messages. I started getting like all my advertisements on like Facebook or I'm not on Facebook, but unlike YouTube or Instagram. Or started getting first was normal, like support cpac or something. And then it became like crazier and crazier and like, you know, like, did you know everyone's a crisis actor? Like, that's the stuff I was getting by like a couple days into it. It was crazy. I was like, Oh my God. It's like, so it turned so Quickly.

Jennifer Field: [00:36:02] And you got text messages.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:36:04] I was getting text messages about support. Like whoever this candidate, he's like the only. He's the only real patriot. Like,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:36:09] That's crazy.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:36:11] Oh, my goodness. I used to get move on. Now I'm getting like, these crazy ones, too, on the other side.

Will Rodriguez: [00:36:16] So so I just listened to his show the other day about, about something similar like that that they tested deceive. They can start this kind of social unrest type of thing. They did it. Remember that the whole fight about whether pineapple belongs on a pizza.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:36:30] Yeah,

Will Rodriguez: [00:36:31] That was actually a thing. That was a test case that they made to see if they can get people to be at odds with each other by saying that they served a whole bunch of pizzas really deserves to have pineapple on it. So delicious, such a great topping and in a different subset of people they served God. Pineapple. People love pineapple and pizza. They're the worst thing in the world. And they they wanted to see if they could really divide people in that way. And they totally did, because to this day, people aren't in the middle of this thing. You either love pineapple in your pizza. So, I mean, we are being manipulated, no question.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:37:05] Either there is somewhere there's a computer or some sort of doctor evil somewhere. And he's just going like this and it's like, hmm, it's a hot dog sandwich. This will destroy them. This will bring them down.

Jennifer Field: [00:37:22] Okay. Thank you so much, Will, for coming on with us. Is nice to have another professional podcaster up in the mix. And so please tell us where people can follow you. Give us the deets on pod on anything you want to share.

Will Rodriguez: [00:37:40] Well, the show can be found on any podcasting platform, any one. But probably the easiest way to connect with us is go to skeptic motivation dot com. You can subscribe to the show directly on there from whatever podcast platform you choose, they're all there. You can follow us on our social media platforms directly from the site. You can send us email or voice mail. You can leave us reviews, you can do everything. Everything is. It's like a one stop skeptic, metaphysician shop, the skeptic metaphysician dotcom.

Jennifer Field: [00:38:07] Love that and thank you all so much for listening. Podcast listeners, longtime fans, friends, newbies. There are probably around, we estimate 2.4 million podcasts out there. So we're honored you've chosen ours to listen to. Thanks for checking us out. I also have a website unofficial official story dot com. Check out our show notes hear our past episode same thing socials. We got it all. So just be sure to come back next month because we're going to find out the answer to the question. What kind of alien is Elon Musk?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:38:43] Nano. Nano.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:38:45] Don't think I want him to be the alien that comes out of your chest, you know, like from the movie aliens. Like, that's. That would be awesome. Could you imagine? This is Elon Musk Musk's face coming out like.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:39:00] I won't imagine that. No.

Jennifer Field: [00:39:02] What are those called? Chest bursters or something. They're called.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:39:06] Yeah, something Like.

Jennifer Field: [00:39:06] Right. Yeah.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:39:08] All right, guys. Thank you, Will. Thank you, everybody.

Jennifer Field: [00:39:11] Bye


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