March 16, 2023

Unofficial Official Story Best of Season 2

The Best of Season 2

The Best of Season 2







What are "they" not telling us? We'll find out, figure out, and, when all else fails, make up the missing pieces to some of the most scandalous conspiracies, unexplained phenomena, and true crime affecting our world today. Join comedian Dwayne Perkins, writer Koji Steven Sakai, and comedian/actor/writer Cat Alvarado on The Unofficial Official Story Podcast every month, and by the end of each episode, we'll tell you what's really...maybe...happening.  

The intro and outro song was created by Brian "Deep" Watters. You can hear his music at 
Hosts: Cat Alvarado, Dwayne Perkins, and Koji Steven Sakai
Written by Koji Steven Sakai
Edited and Produced by Koji Steven Sakai


Jennifer Field: [00:00:06] Welcome, welcome, welcome. This is the best of episode of the unofficial official story. Hey, everyone. I'm Jennifer.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:00:14] I'm Dwayne,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:00:15] And I am Koji.

Jennifer Field: [00:00:17] And we're going to be looking back at our favorite moments from season two. Oh, my gosh. Can you guys believe that? We've done two seasons already?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:00:23] It's crazy. Two seasons is a lot.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:00:26] Yeah, it's definitely feels like it was just two and a half seasons. No it was. It was great. And it's going by pretty fast and we've had a lot of great guest, great moments and a ton of things I didn't know about.

Jennifer Field: [00:00:40] Right. And we started this like during the lockdown, remember, I don't know if we ever talked about this, but why did we start the show? Like, why do we do this every month? What keeps all of us going?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:00:50] Well, there's so many answers, but if it had to be one word, I'd say Koji. He's our fearless leader. And I think I think we started it because conspiracies are a thing and it's just good to be a different kind of voice and a different kind of vibe in this sphere of information or disinformation that's flying around. And so we're just having, I guess, having our. Little fun with it. And it's actually been more fun than I even could have imagined.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:01:16] Jennifer. 

Jennifer Field: [00:01:17] Well, I know Koji and I were shooting sort of like ideas about a new podcast and I was curious to stay in the podcast world because I think podcasting is cool. So I know it kind of started there and I do it because I call it my brain food and I'm surrounded by smart people like you guys and all of our guests. And so I just want to be smarter and expand my mind. So that's why I'm still here, right?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:01:40] Nice. Nice.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:01:41] And for me, I love the paranormal conspiracies and all that stuff. This is something that I've always wanted to do. So what drives me all the time is just my love for doing the research and finding out stuff, especially when I don't know things like I didn't know what an industry plant was. For example, I never heard of that. I knew that Clinton had killed Kobe, but I didn't understand why. So now I know I have all this information.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:02:04] That's great.

Jennifer Field: [00:02:05] All right. So let's get into this. Let's talk about some of our highlights from season two. Like whatever favorite moments and episodes.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:02:14] My favorite moment is from episode five, where we talked about BDE Big Dick Energy.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:02:20] Yes. Yes.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:02:21] And I had no because I'd never heard of it.

Jennifer Field: [00:02:22] You'd never heard of it before the show?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:02:25] No, I never heard of it. I'm not around people who talk about it, apparently.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:02:28] Right, right, right, right. When you got it, you don't got to talk about it. And I. It's good that you you learned that. I mean, I don't know how it helps you in your regular life, but.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:02:38] Well, now it just it puts words to what I what I do naturally.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:02:42] Right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:02:43] So now, you know, it's nice when you when you have words to describe yourself in ways that you couldn't describe yourself before. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:02:48] Before you were just calling it a genius and now you actually have.

Jennifer Field: [00:02:52] Right. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:02:52] Yeah,

Jennifer Field: [00:02:53] Right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:02:54] I call it Big Pimpin. Let's listen to this clip from episode five. Is Prince Charles a vampire with comedian Cat Ce?

Jennifer Field: [00:03:01] Prince Charles is not a vampire because in my opinion, vampires are sexy and I have never known a vampire in literature or movies. And even remember I talked about last week how I had a friend that claimed he was a vampire.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:03:14] Is he good looking?

Jennifer Field: [00:03:15] He's not, but he has. But he has a.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:03:20] Follow up question. Does he listen to this podcast?

Jennifer Field: [00:03:25] Oh, my God. I got to think about it. I got to backtrack my steps. I hope he doesn't listen to this yet, because that'd be mean because he's such a nice guy. But he's got a nice he's got a good energy. He's got a real good charm, charisma. So I think because you don't have to be good-looking to be sexy. I've known people that look like not even they just look like animals. And. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:03:42] That's what I tell myself all the time. Jennifer. 

Jennifer Field: [00:03:44] Yeah, there you go.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:03:46] So you're saying there's a chance?

Jennifer Field: [00:03:48] Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know, it's like that song, you know, Big Dick Energy. It's like, you know, it's all just like there's a song.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:03:55] Wait there's a song called. Sorry, I haven't listened to hip-hop since Pac died.

Jennifer Field: [00:03:59] Right that song.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:03:59] Tell me about this song. What is this?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:04:01] Yeah, Well. Well, back up the term. I think it was. Was it Ariana Grande or Selena Gomez? Someone who dated Pete.

Jennifer Field: [00:04:08] Pete Davidson. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:04:09] From Pete Davidson from SNL after they broke up said, you know, because I guess someone was saying he's not a looker. And this girl said he has big dick energy. And that's kind of became a thing.

Jennifer Field: [00:04:18] He 100% does.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:04:19] What does that mean?

Jennifer Field: [00:04:20] It means you. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:04:21] It's confidence, I guess.

Jennifer Field: [00:04:22] Yeah, it's confidence. You don't have to. You don't. I'll tell you from personal experience, you don't actually have to have a big dick and you can act like it and meaning like you don't saying that that is the definition of manhood in any way, but it just has to do with like charisma, personality, confidence, swagger. Even So, that's what I mean by sexy, because I've definitely dated. I'm sure you've been through it to Cat where you've date someone that's not very empirically good looking, but sexy as hell. So that's what I mean. Prince Charles is not sexy to me

Dwayne Perkins: [00:04:49] And he doesn't have BDE. I mean, I've had so many really favorite fun moments. I mean, overarching thing is having friends on and really great smart people on test. Tess Raferty Ruben Paul, Ben Gleib, like my comedian friends and all the others as well. But one thing that I didn't need to know, but it was cool to find out. But I also didn't need to know it is that I guess Ben Gleib causes an erection. Whitey Bulger And it's a great name, but not something that I needed to know necessarily, you know.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:05:21] Let's listen to this clip from episode four. What kind of alien is Elon Musk with Ben Gleb. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:05:27] Like Whitey Ford, right? Like Whitey Ford,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:05:29] Yankees pitcher? 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:05:30] No, no, not but Whitey Bulger. Excuse me. Whitey Bulger. Not Whitey Ford. 

Ben Gleib: [00:05:34] All of us Whitey are the same in Dwayne's eyes. I get it. I get it.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:05:39] I was like, Yankee, the Yankee pitcher.

Ben Gleib: [00:05:41] As you can see here, a picture of Whitey Ford and Whitey Bulger we'll put it in the show notes. Whitey Ford. Whitey Bulger, are they the same? Looks unmistakable to me. I'm Dwyane Perkins, and I don't see color.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:05:55] Whitey Bulger is what I would say. He got caught in Santa monica.

Ben Gleib: [00:05:59] By the way. What I refer to my my erections as,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:06:01] Oh. I was going to say, yeah,

Ben Gleib: [00:06:02] Whitey Bulger. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:06:03] Whitey Bulger. That's a good one.

Ben Gleib: [00:06:06] Have you seen my Whitey Bulger?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:06:07] Oh, boy. That's really good. Oh, man, I couldn't call mine that. But anyway, so. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:06:15] You could.

Ben Gleib: [00:06:17] I don't know if you got a vitiligo situation going on. Michael Jackson style.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:06:20] Yeah, if I did have vitiligo, if that's how you say it, that would be a good way to break it to someone.

Ben Gleib: [00:06:24] Yeah.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:06:25] You know what I mean.

Ben Gleib: [00:06:25] My penis is white. Do you think it matches? Just take a look.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:06:30] Look at m Whitey Bulger.

Jennifer Field: [00:06:34] All right. My favorite moment, actually, is it just makes me laugh out loud. So much is the moment when it was. I think it's the episode where the Eastern Airlines episode, which was number nine. That's the one when Koji, you were talking about like the Mandela effect and how you swear that there. Was a movie.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:06:58] There was. 

Jennifer Field: [00:06:59] Sinbad.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:07:00] There was a movie.

Jennifer Field: [00:07:01] Wait, wait. What is it that Sinbad was a genie?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:07:04] Oh, like. Cause

Jennifer Field: [00:07:04] that played Shazam or what is that?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:07:07] Yeah. No, no. Yeah, I agreed with you. Because there's Kazaam or whatever that Shaq played. But I do think Sinbad was in a Sinbad movie called Shazam.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:07:17] Shazam!

Dwayne Perkins: [00:07:17] Yes, I completely agree.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:07:20] I remember seeing this movie.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:07:22] I had that memory.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:07:24] I was just listening to a whole theory recently about how, you know, the I don't remember how to pronounce the word the collider thing, the the big collider thing that they do in Europe. Like, oh,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:07:32] It's like the atoms and it starts spinning. It spinning atoms. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:07:36] It goes really fast. And they say that since then, the world's like, split the different things split. And that's why we start. That's why some people remember some stuff that didn't happen. Yeah. So there's a there's another world where I have I don't have BDE, so that's why some people think that I don't. But that's only because they remember a world that didn't like doesn't exist right now. Let's listen to this clip from episode nine. What happened to Eastern Airlines Flight 401 with Jocelyn Rocky and Lloyd Waller? So my theory is this. So you guys have all heard of the Mandela effect, right? That's where we're like all kind of believe that We like, for example, like, what's a good one? Like, the original one is Mandela died like in the nineties, but then he obviously didn't die. But we all remember that he did die. Right. And to me, the best explanation of that is it's a different it was just a different timeline, right? It became a new timeline. And sometimes the timelines cross and sometimes they get all mixed up. And that's why I like Bernstein Bears is another one right where we think is spelled a certain way. Or I swear, Shaq was in a movie called Shazam, right? Or No, not. Not Shaq.

Lloyd Waller: [00:08:33] Sinbad.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:08:33] Sinbad. Sinbad was Shazam, right? I swear I saw that movie. So that's that's just. Where we got crossed.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:08:39] Right? So you're saying you're saying Sinbad was not what we call Shazam?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:08:43] No.

Lloyd Waller: [00:08:43] Oh my gosh, no, he was not.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:08:44] No, he was not in it. Allegedly. Allegedly. But in the timeline I was in, it actually happened.

Lloyd Waller: [00:08:52] No,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:08:52] It actually happened.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:08:53] No, he's absolutely in a movie where he's a genie. So I don't know.

Lloyd Waller: [00:08:56] No, no,

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:08:57] No, no.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:09:00] Well, we're in the same timeline, Koji, because I remember that.

Jennifer Field: [00:09:04] What's the favorite theory we've come up with?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:09:07] We might even have the same theories. But I really liked the Cardi B stripper one. The fact that.

Jennifer Field: [00:09:13] Zell's.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:09:14] The fact that stripper, the stripping industry decided that they were going to sort of normalize themselves and went through this arduous process of putting a famous, you know, making sure a famous rapper is associated with stripping, then having stripping classes and to the point where you flash ahead from like 30 years ago now, it's so cool to be a stripper. Kind of soccer moms are taking stripper classes I thought tat was really, really wild. And to me, it's like if you look at like look at the cranberry industry, right. Cranberries were like, we're not moving units. We need to attach ourselves to a holiday. So boom, they got Thanksgiving, You know what I mean? Candy corn, We're going to take Easter. You know what I mean? So because. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:09:54] isn't Candy, corn, Halloween? 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:09:55] I mean, I'm going to say Halloween. Yeah. Eggs. Colored eggs are Easter. I'm sorry, it's Halloween. So basically, I just love that. You know, you basically attach yourself to something and then now you're a thing and you're a thing forever, you know, And the fact that stripping attached themselves to the music, it's like you almost have to go to a strip club to even hear rap music the right way. Like current rap music is made for strip clubs. So it's all like sort of like works together in unison. There's some kind of synergy there, I think. Yeah.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:10:22] Let's listen to this clip from episode ten. Is Cardi B an industry plant with a Zell Williams?

A Zell Williams: [00:10:27] I have listened to a lot of Cardi B for the past 48 ish hours and done some research, and I think she I actually do think she's an industry plant, but not music. I think she's a stripper plant. I think because think about it. I started thinking about this the other day when we were 2000 happens. Strippers are like the background in The Sopranos. Chris Rock has jokes about clear heels. Everybody's hating on strippers. Right? And then what happens all of a sudden, you have you have classes where it's like you're working out. And so we get like rich white. People going. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:10:55] J. Lo's doing movies.

A Zell Williams: [00:10:57] And it's like, well, that's not enough people.

Jennifer Field: [00:10:58] Yes, right, Right.

A Zell Williams: [00:10:59] J. Lo's doing movies about strippers. And then all of a sudden they're like, look at this. Look at this black Latino lady in New York. She's loud, she's proud. She's out there. She's going to get way more people into this. And now look where we are 20 years later. Nobody's like nobody's talking about clear heels Here's the thing. It's like it's part of like, sexual identity. So thank you to the strip Clubs of America Giving us our.

Jennifer Field: [00:11:22] She's an industry plant for strip there for strippers.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:27] My favorite theory is the one I came up with, which is that Tupac was Japanese.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:11:32] Of course.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:34] I mean, just because I think I think I offended our guest. But he also chose mine.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:11:38] Right? Right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:41] Because.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:11:42] All right. Was that Ruben? It was Ruben.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:43] Yeah

Dwayne Perkins: [00:11:44] I think. Yeah. I mean, you know, you mean current, not Japanese in the past life. Like Japanese in this life.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:50] Yeah. And this life. Yes. He was Japanese in this life. Yeah,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:11:52] That's completely possible. Maybe. Maybe partly Japanese.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:56] Or maybe it's because I wanted it, you know?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:11:58] Right, Right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:11:58] I wanted to name my son Tupac, and that was the closest thing I could get to that. Right? Although I tell you guys in my son's class, there is a Axl who's white, there's a Coltrane who's Asian. And it would have been awesome if there was a Tupac who was Asian. I mean, that would have just been like the music industry coming together and making peace with all the different genres.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:12:17] Right, Right. Coltrane is nice. Yeah. Yeah.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:12:19] Coltrane is actually a good name.

Jennifer Field: [00:12:20] That is a great name.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:12:22] But Tupac would have been better. I'm just saying. Let's listen to this clip from Episode six Who Killed Tupac with comedian Ruben Paul. All right. That's a good one. Okay, So here's mine. So first, let me just say he's probably I agree, he's probably not alive because he's he's he has a he was very vocal. He has a kind of guy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. I mean, that's probably got him in trouble sometimes. So it'd be hard for him to stay quiet. But this is my theory ready. So it started when he was a child.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:12:47] Okay?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:12:47] He was actually Japanese and he wanted to be cool. So he started wearing. Blackface.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:12:52] Okay, can I just stop ou for one second? So Tupac is Japanese. But Cambodians aren't Asian anyway.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:12:59] But he wanted to he was being. He was being picked on because he was Japanese.

Jennifer Field: [00:13:05] There are so many, like, wonderful theories and aspects about theories that I loved was hard for me to pick. But actually the one that kind of sticks out is The Weekend at Bernie's, one that Dwayne came up with for the for the President. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:13:16] Biden. 

Jennifer Field: [00:13:17] Biden robot episode that he's actually like he's actually dead. He died I think it was right before the election or something.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:13:24] Right.

Jennifer Field: [00:13:25] And and he's staying alive like Weekend at Bernie's style, because that movie was so funny. And that idea that, you know, he's being held up by using, I think, magnets not strings and, you know this whole time he's been puppeted. And by that I think that was really funny.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:13:39] I like that. And the fact that there's so much vitriol against him, some people have and it's like, you know, you just hating on a dead guy.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:13:45] Yeah.

Jennifer Field: [00:13:48] That's fucked up.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:13:49] Let's listen to this clip from episode eight. Is Joe Biden a robot with performer and writer Kristina Wong?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:13:55] But you're in the wrong. But because you're going down the wrong sort of option there, there's nothing there. You'll never find anything. And you think you're going crazy. It's just you're looking the wrong way. So.

Jennifer Field: [00:14:04] Okay.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:14:05] Is there something afoot? Yes, there is. Here's what it is. And they kept talking about this. They all thought, oh, Joe Biden is going to die. Kamala Harris is going to happen.

Jennifer Field: [00:14:13] Right?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:14:14] He did die. Oh, what we're saying is this is a Weekend at Bernie's situation.

Kristina Wong: [00:14:20] Yes. Okay.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:14:25] So.

Jennifer Field: [00:14:26] I think this Weekend at Bernie's, that means that's actually his body up there. What's one thing that we learned or wished we didn't? Well, for me was the Adrian Barrette episode, The Missing 411. The national parks, the hikers going missing.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:14:46] Oh, yeah,

Jennifer Field: [00:14:47] Because I didn't know about that. And I consider myself somebody that, like, loves going to those kinds of places. And I didn't realize that there was this issue of people missing on federal lands. And, you know, the fact that she even like being a true crime, what is it called, armchair detective? She even thinks, for example, the Gabby Pitino was not murdered by her fiance, Brian. Right. So so that was a really that was new for me and it was adjacent to stuff that I'm passionate about. So, yeah, I'm still quite curious about that topic, actually.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:19] Let's listen. This clip from episode seven Why is Bigfoot kidnapping hikers with podcaster Adrian Barrett?

Adrian Barrett: [00:15:25] It's another thing. I'm like with Gabby's case and it's terrible. I mean, a lot of people come at me for this. I don't think Brian did it.

Jennifer Field: [00:15:34] What? No. Really.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:37] Did he admit to it in his diary? I don't know, though. I mean, I haven't follow case a lot.

Adrian Barrett: [00:15:41] Apparently, in the note where they found him, he apparently wrote a confession, but his parents are the ones that found him and found the no. When they claim that police already searched the area and didn't find anything previously.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:15:57] So who did it?

Adrian Barrett: [00:15:58] I think that it might have been his parents, but I don't think that it was him. Like a lot of the stuff going on, I was like, okay, that doesn't seem like that. Or it's either like his parents or that killed actually her is possibly even a serial killer that's out there. Because like I said, I've done all these other cases, too, that are around Gabby around that time. Some of them are up in that area. And there is six people around that area around that time that no one talks about. They've all gone missing and some have been found and some have not. Around the same exact time,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:16:30] We Should say it was Bigfoot.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:16:32] It was big find Bigfoot.

Adrian Barrett: [00:16:35] Bigfoot.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:16:37] Mine was from episode four when Jennifer said that she would. She thought that Ellen would be fun to date. And I don't have that reaction at all. I think he'd be a terrible person to date. He'd be like the worst person today. He's like, super unpleasant. This sounds terrible, but when you get thrown downstairs because and bullied like other kids, typically you're unpleasant.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:17:01] Well, you know, that's a really that's a really interesting thing you just said, because there is this thing of like anyone who has some sort of ailment, you know, we always forget that you can have an ailment and still be an asshole.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:17:13] Yes.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:17:14] You know, like every girl is, you know, befriended a guy who's a little fat and you feel bad for him. And then you then you, like, get to know him and he's just an asshole. Yeah. And so, you know, you can be in a wheelchair and be an asshole. So, like, yeah, the fact that he was bullied, it's like he didn't deserve to be thrown down the stairs. But. Yeah, but did someone just throw him down the stairs for no reason? Maybe.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:17:34] A lot of times it's there's. There's something about some people who just drive people crazy.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:17:38] Interesting.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:17:39] And you see his from his tweets or whatever he's doing. It's all I mean he pushes people's buttons and he enjoys pushing people's buttons.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:17:45] Right. But also, I think that and I've always thought this I don't think karma is linear. So sometimes you pay for things you haven't done yet.

Jennifer Field: [00:17:53] Oh. Woah.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:17:57] So he's been he was punished before for Twitter.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:17:59] Yeah. It's kind of Like. You going to be this billionaire kind of, you know, unpleasant dude. And then it becomes like, like every time travel movie. Like, what came first? You know, like, the guy comes back in time to save Sarah O'Connor, but he's the father of the leader of the rebellion. But he how could it be, as you know, that kind of thing. So it's like you could say Ellon was fueled by being bullied and that's why he became a great guy, a great not great guy, but, you know, such a successful person.

Jennifer Field: [00:18:27] Ambitious and successful. Yeah,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:18:28] But but maybe he was successful first and then that caused him to be bullied.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:18:33] Although also when you have a lot of money or when you get a lot of money, it typically just whatever personality trait you had just makes it 100 times more. So. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:18:41] Yes

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:18:42] if you were an asshole, then you're even a bigger asshole.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:18:45] But for Jennifer, you said he was like he had a wild streak and he is a smart guy. So it's one of these things where like, it's like, as much as I know, you're a great probably a big Kobe fan, right?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:18:55] No, not huge.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:18:56] But Kobe is a great player. But he's like this this facsimile of Jordan. But he's he's the closest anyone's ever come.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:19:04] Yes

Dwayne Perkins: [00:19:04] but he's still not quite Jordan. But being the closest facsimile of Michael Jordan is still. It puts you in rare air, Right? Like, that's amazing. So I think for for Ellon, he probably learned how to be that cool guy and learned how to be good in bed. And because he's smart, like Will Smith has that thing too, where some there's a part of talent that is mimicking and he's probably a good mimic. So for you and I, maybe we're just looking at the unpleasant side of it, but for a woman, it's like he's faking being like this cool party animal guy, but he's faking it so well that if, you know, you can't really tell the difference.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:19:37] Terrible. He's terrible and bad, By the way.

Jennifer Field: [00:19:39] Do we know that?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:19:40] No, I think. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:19:41] I guess that. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:19:42] I think that, like you said, I think he's learned how to be good in bed.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:19:45] Well, when you have $1,000,000,000, you're great in bed.

Jennifer Field: [00:19:47] No, that's what I would think, but I'll tell you the answer to that is no,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:19:52] You don't have to be good in bed because a woman will pretend.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:19:55] That's what I mean. Well, it's like I tell my son if he makes the major leagues all of a sudden, he's a great dancer,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:20:00] Right?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:01] It doesn't matter how he dances.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:20:03] But the thing is, what if he's a type of guy who doesn't want people to pretend? So he would bring in the best people who are good at sex and and teach them he has that kind of money.

Jennifer Field: [00:20:13] Yeah. You can test it

Dwayne Perkins: [00:20:15] That kind of time.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:16] Or he's like, I'm really good in bed because everyone's telling me I'm good and bad.

Jennifer Field: [00:20:19] Right?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:20:19] Right. Was like, if if I got if I became famous and all the things I have an inkling to do, in fact can now do all of them, I would have to be somewhat good at all of them.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:29] Yeah, but you're different,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:20:30] Right? Right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:31] I don't think other people care about that.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:20:33] Maybe not. Maybe not. Elon, two of us think you're good in bed, and. I don't know. I'm not. I don't know if one wants to find out.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:20:42] Ellon's got to prove it to me. Let's listen to another clip from episode four. What kind of alien is Elon Musk with Ben Gleib?

Jennifer Field: [00:20:51] Elon Musk. I hope he listens to this episode.

Ben Gleib: [00:20:54] I'll make sure and give him your number. So you have three billionaires on your jock?

Jennifer Field: [00:20:57] Yeah, actually, yeah. Hook it up. Hook it up. No, he's he's in a relationship, But I've always I actually always thought he'd be kind of fun to date because I think. 

Ben Gleib: [00:21:05] You really think that.

Jennifer Field: [00:21:05] Oh, yeah. Because he got he's got a little wild streak, and that's what I like.

Ben Gleib: [00:21:08] And you also said you didn't think he'd be good in bed. So what is the. Just the wildness you want? Well, I think partying With. 

Jennifer Field: [00:21:13] I just know, like, my experience from the playing field is that. Yeah, when they're like that, they aren't as good as bed in bed. But he has that like, sort of. He's a little more hip. So I feel like maybe he's learned along the way. So I'm hoping for better.

Ben Gleib: [00:21:28] Yeah, hopefully he's listening.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:21:31] And just for the record, I decided to get good in bed first, then get my billion. So just that's my strategy. So when I'm a billionaire, I wouldn't have to learn.

Ben Gleib: [00:21:41] So I decided to do neither. But talk a game like I have Both.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:21:46] Right

Ben Gleib: [00:21:48] Oops.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:21:51] I love the theory about the government going back and doing sort of like, you know, like changing timelines that that whole thing, which kind of feeds the Mandela effect. And it was so I felt like there was and I think there's some credibility to that. And I think that's something I didn't need to know. But it has to be true. And it just we live in a world where especially our country, like the greed, the greed is sort of unparalleled and it's not controllable. So greed will eventually lead to trying to change past outcomes. And that makes me sad. Like that means even your past wins can be turned into losses. And I think that's probably a thing that people are trying to do.

Jennifer Field: [00:22:33] Dude. Sad. It's a mad world,

Dwayne Perkins: [00:22:37] Right Right.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:22:37] Let's listen to another clip from episode nine. What happened to Eastern Airlines Flight 401 with Jocelyn Rocky and Lloyd Waller?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:22:44] Yeah, I'm the same. I really enjoyed everyone's theory. Like I like the alternate timelines. I like the trickery with the guy in the mask, the Scooby-Doo villain. I love the holograms. Yeah, I would say I would say Lloyd's as well. The thing is, when you think of government, especially the ones, the superpowers, and they just they don't want to lose, right? So not only are they fighting present wars and current and future wars, they're fighting past wars. Right? Because they would love to go back and rewrite what happened if they lost. I'm sure I'm sure someone in Germany is like, we could have won World War two. Let's go back and figure it out. So I just love that. I love that theory. I love it.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:23:26] Here are some other clips from some of our other favorite moments from season two. This clip is from episode one. Will Donald Trump make john f kennedy Jr. His vice president when he's reinstated as the 19th president of the united states of America with Steve Hofstetter. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:23:39] Firsthand and he decided to get off the grid by faking his own death? I don't know. It's just the plot of every movie mashed together. You know what I mean?

Steve Hoffstetter: [00:23:48] Do you think That they went to a movie theater, saw A bunch of previews and Thought it was one movie?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:23:55] Right?

Steve Hoffstetter: [00:23:59] They're like, I don't Quite follow the plot, but this is exciting.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:24:02] right. That's funny. It's like, why was that movie only 20 minutes long? Oh, well,

Steve Hoffstetter: [00:24:07] Yeah. And why did it have an ad for popcorn in the middle? It's weird.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:24:13] This clip is from episode two. Are the gray aliens the best Because they're Asian with Aiden Park. We multiply, so when we give birth, here's another fact. When we give birth, we lay eggs. That's why there's so many Chinese and so many other groups of people. Because we hundreds of eggs. This clip is from episode three. Was Britney Spears a government agent for President George W Bush with podcaster Will Rodriguez.

Will Rodriguez: [00:24:37] The scary thing is that it's real. That it is actually. It was an actual program and it could explain so much. It could explain Everything that we've just experienced for the last four decades or however long it's Been. It's it's sad.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:24:49] And it makes you think why? I don't know. I think guys who get caught doing crazy things, not like I'm not I'm talking about just personal life, like guys who get caught messing around with their lady. I would tap into that MKULTRA excuse a little bit, You know, just what happened. Who is this?

Jennifer Field: [00:25:11] But most of all, we wanted to thank our listeners. Our podcast has truly grown beyond our wildest imaginations, like in the last two seasons. And so we're so humbled. We're thankful that all of you spend your time listening to us and we're grateful for the reviews that you guys have been putting out there on Apple Podcasts. So please keep them coming. And here are actually some of the messages you guys have left us.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:36] Brain Junior on in December. He said, I'm a big fan of this podcast, especially Dwayne Perkins. Listen to this podcast or some. There are some funniest and most interesting moments. Enjoyed the unofficial official story. So we have a fan.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:25:50] Oh, very nice. 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:50] Brains. A fan of you, Dwayne.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:25:51] Oh, thanks, Brain. You have a big brain. You made a good choice. Thank you so much.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:25:55] Tabbacchinol on in late January. Great podcast things for thanks for hours of entertainment in my car and on walks They're perfect and super interesting.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:26:05] That's really cool. That's that's exactly I mean both both of those reviews but that's exactly what you hope is happening.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:26:12] I prefer some naked listeners. So maybe somebody taking a bath.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:26:16] Well, I like, you know, my thing is I've been struggling, not struggling, but just having this constant thought like I want to provide entertainment, maybe information, but I don't want to be a distraction because I think the line between entertainment and distraction is now blurred and everyone's fighting for your eyes. And so you're being sent notifications, you're being and I don't want to think that like someone's like consuming what I put out there to the detriment of what else they have going on.

Jennifer Field: [00:26:44] Well, that's a great point.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:26:45] And so if he's like driving, walking, you know, he's incorporating that into his life or her life. And I like that.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:26:51] Or their. 

Dwayne Perkins: [00:26:52] Of their life. Yes, yes, yes. I love that. And it's sort of like we're adding but not taking away.

Jennifer Field: [00:26:57] Okay. So here's one review from Iabele Kaabi. They say, thanks, I loved this podcast and quick take on this entertainment. It was a fun, quick listen and I hope they'll do more stories like this in the future with Four Hearts. Thank you so much. Iabele. I hope I pronounce your name correctly. We appreciate your kind words. Iacunato, says I'm hooked. I accidentally stumbled across this podcast and I'm hooked. Yay!

Dwayne Perkins: [00:27:22] This is short and sweet, Happy Rosetti. Hey, Bassetti. Hey, Brital. Because pretty good, I think that that eye is out there. That was an Arab. I think it's an I thought it was an item to sell. Yeah. Hey, that'll happen. And I'm saying a different ways. But anyway, five stars, one of the best podcasts I have listened to and it's great as always, I like that.

Jennifer Field: [00:27:45] Be sure to subscribe to our show anywhere. You usually listen to your podcasts. Visit our website Unofficial Official to listen to any of our past episodes. And if you're not following us on our socials, you're missing out on even more great content. So make sure you find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. And finally, be sure to come back as we kick off Season three in April, we're going to find out the answer to the question Is the world flat, hollow or sucked into a black hole?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:28:15] Can it be all threes? Is that possible?

Dwayne Perkins: [00:28:17] Well, yeah, it can be hollow. It's just it's just How far do you have to go?

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:28:20] Flat, Hollow. And it's already been sucked into a black hole.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:28:22] Can be flat. And hallow? 

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:28:24] That's like. That's. That's like my soul.

Dwayne Perkins: [00:28:26] Right. Right Sucked into a black hole. Yeah, definitely.

Koji Steven Sakai: [00:28:31] All right, guys.