It was a scary time, but should it have been? Or were those rumors meant to cause fear of something that didn't need to be feared?
Hear more from Jennifer Field, Dwayne Perkins, Koji Steven Sakai, and special guest Ras Kass on our latest episode where they discuss "Was Gangster rap created and pushed to send more people to prison?" and a lot of the propaganda surrounding the music industry.
@missjenniferfield, @dwayneperkins, @ksakai1, and special guest @Ras_kass #hiphopculture #RapArtist #RapMusic #RapCulture #Rapper #RapperEdits #GangstaRap #GangstaRapMadeMeDoIt #FTP #FuckThePolice #ACAB #governmentconspiracy
#deepstate #fightthepower #militaryindustrialcomplex #draintheswamp #psyop #thetruthisoutthere #BigBrotherIsWatching#georgeorwell1984 #BigBrother #truther #freethinker #wakeupsheeple